
Nigeria Advocates for Global Collaboration on Technological Challenges

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By Milcah Tanimu

Nigeria has called upon global leaders to unite in addressing technological challenges and building a resilient, inclusive society for future generations.

Speaking at the 112th session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva, Switzerland, Nkeiruka Onyejeocha emphasized the need for joint efforts to mitigate the impacts of technology on the workforce and to promote a productive, equitable, and inclusive society for the future.

Onyejeocha’s address responded to the director-general’s report on the renewed social contract, reinforcing Nigeria’s stance on decent work and social justice. She highlighted the Nigerian government’s commitment to fostering constructive social dialogue and promoting fair working conditions.

She pointed out that the government’s policies focus on food security, job creation, poverty alleviation, and social cohesion, in alignment with President Bola Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda. She praised the ILC’s theme, which underscores the interdependence of individuals and societies in promoting social unity, economic robustness, and political stability.

The minister reiterated that President Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda aims to transform Nigeria into a premier global investment hub, focusing on democracy, economic development, harnessing demographic potential, and engaging with the diaspora community. The agenda prioritizes economic prosperity through food security, poverty eradication, job creation, access to capital, inclusiveness, security, rule of law, and anti-corruption measures.

Onyejeocha assured that Nigeria is prepared to embrace future challenges and conduct business according to international standards. She highlighted the government’s support for social dialogue to advance social justice and align with its labor sector agenda, promoting worker welfare and national productivity.

Regarding the new national minimum wage, she mentioned that the Federal Government is negotiating through its tripartite committee to review the wage as part of efforts to ensure decent work for both public and private sector workers.

The minister also highlighted Nigeria’s progress in implementing international labor standards and promoting social justice through initiatives like the Labour Employment and Empowerment Programme (LEEP), aimed at creating jobs and equipping youths with entrepreneurship skills.

Onyejeocha emphasized the importance of skill acquisition for youth empowerment and job creation, noting that the informal sector drives economic growth in developing countries. The LEEP initiative aims to train and equip 2.5 million people annually over the next four years with essential entrepreneurship skills.

She concluded by expressing confidence that the government’s efforts to promote entrepreneurship will rejuvenate Nigeria’s economy, enhance job creation, and reduce unemployment and insecurity.

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