Ewa’s Thoughts in Words


Most people ignorantly downplay racism to simply mean a display of discrimination based on colour or ethnicity, but I tell you, racism is a ravaging disease that has over the years torn hopes apart and shattered dreams of individuals as well as races and nations.

Racism is everything that stands against fairness to a fellow human person or group of persons, based on their gender, status, name, belief, ideology, religion, the list goes on.

Racism is when you antagonize or prejudice another based on the fact that you don’t belong to the same class or club, when you fail to acknowledge the rights of another by treating them like second class citizens. When you set all out to oppresse another psychologically,
emotionally, mentally or financially all because you are more privileged than they are.

Racism is when you make different rules for different people simply because you dislike their faces or colour or what they represent.
Racism is when you consciously deny fair judgement to a person because you despise them for whatever reason best known to you.

Racism is when you bully another for no crime or fault of theirs but  because you are stronger and have more advantage than they can ever have.

Racism is when a woman is mistreated and suppressed only because she is a woman and her voice does not count.

Racism is when we despise our brothers and sisters, or even a total stranger; when we treat people with a certain level of disaffection or disdain; when we pride ourselves as a special breed while the rest of the people are viewed and treated as trash or less humans.

Rasicim is when we make inferior another human’s life, when we label them as outcasts, outlaws, when we make them feel as something rejected by the gods.

Racism is when some human lives dont matter because of everything that makes them who they truly are…