A Page Each Day with Mnena

It’s Christmas! It’s a season of celebration, of hope and love. While many of us are celebrating, eating and drinking, there are those who can not. There are those whose only desire is to be with family and friends and not about life’s luxuries. One of such stories caught the attention of ‘A PageEach Day’ and here goes…

Mama Gets her Christmas Gift

She was to be referred. The doctors said their hospital could no longer handle her case. She was to leave for the state capital or even farther and remain confined in hospital through the Christmas celebration. This didn’t go down well with Mama. Why did it have to be now? She complained. She came up with the excuse that she needed to go home to pick her hospital appointment cards and other stuffs before proceeding to the referred hospital. But her children would hear nothing of it. They told her to stay put and all she needed would be brought to her at the hospital.

The day Mama was taken to the hospital, she could not walk on her own. She was shivering all over and was in a very bad condition. The doctor came in and tried to stabilise her. After about four days of treatment in the hospital, her condition became slightly stable. However, based on the x-ray and test results, it was decided that she should be referred to a specialist hospital. Mama didn’t want to spend Christmas away from home. She said, “my wives and grand children are all home for Christmas, and I want to be with them.” That was Mama’s wish for Christmas, just like children request gifts from Santa Claus. She didn’t want to be away from her family at this crucial period. As she laid on her hospital bed, she whispered prayers for her wish to be home to become a reality. Mama said to her children, “let me go home and spend the Christmas. We’ll continue treatment after the celebration.” The children didn’t buy her line of thought. To them, Mama’s health was more important than any celebration. They were oblivious of the fact that at Mama’s age, the value she placed on certain things in life contrasted with theirs. Mama valued her family reunion and it is possible that the reunion could improve her health.

Santa Claus came through for Mama. She returned home to her family on Christmas Eve. Her Christmas wish was granted. When asked how she felt, Mama said she was happy to be back home and to ‘eat’ Christmas with her family.

What is that thing you desperately wanted for Christmas? A new cloth? A car? A new house? Plenty money in your bank account? Were your expectations met? If yes, congratulations! If No, be happy still. Why? Because many people could not see today. Some did but are in excruciating pains. Some still, even in pain feel grateful for being alive. Put on a positive attitude towards life today and be happy. Make do with whatever you have at the moment. Remember that it’s the birthday of Jesus and not yours, and in adherence to the first law of the 48 laws of power, do not outshine him (Jesus). Merry Christmas good people and may all your wishes for the season come true.