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Alpha Maidawa

4103 POSTS

Things to know before starting an online relationship

There are loads of stories that show clearly that love can be found on social media.Uncountable marriages began with a ‘hi’ on Facebook, Instagram...

12 Fun ways to improve your relationship

Relationships are not exactly perfect, because it involves living with each other's perfections and imperfections. But, relationships can be fun and this depends on...

Relationship: 9 Signs your partner is the right one

Here are 9 signs that indicate you are with the right partner:1. You know this is the right relationship for you if any grey...

7 Work Habits that Will Make Your Boss Commend You

Everyone wants to be highly commended by his or her boss, this makes us happy, relaxed and more productive. In a nutshell, it makes...

5 Reasons Why You Should Have a Mentor

In achieving success in your career you need to have a mentor, someone who has achieved the kind of success you aspire to achieve....

5 Things Employers Will Never Tell You About Recruitment

When hiring managers announce vacancies, they expect a lots of candidates to apply for the positions so they can choose the applicants they considered...

5 Foods that Can Make You Look Beautiful

What you eat determines how you will look. Unhealthy diet won't only make you sick but also make your complexion dull. Eating the right...

5 Alternatives to Job Boards When Searching for a Job

For many job seeking graduates, job boards like Jobberman might be the first platform that readily comes to mind when it comes to job...

Amazing Health Benefits of Eating African Walnut Everyday

Here are 8 reasons why you should eat African walnut everyday:1. Cancer-Fighting PropertiesWalnuts can help prevent cancer as it contains cancer fighting properties such...

Common Reasons Why Relationships Fail

Relationships require nurturing to last, and this means putting into it all the necessary virtues_ love, respect, trust, sacrifice, patience. A relationship that lacks...

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