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Alpha Maidawa

4103 POSTS

Attributes that Can Make a Man Dislike a Woman

There are attributes that men generally like likewise attributes that are complete turnoffs. Speaking of turnoffs, here are attributes that can make a man...

8 Surprising Medicinal Benefits of Moringa Leaf

Moringa leaf is a nutrient-packed superfood, it is rich in antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. It is used as food and as traditional...

10 Rude Things You Do Without Realising You Are Being Rude

Sometimes we pull up rude attitudes without even realising we are being rude or disrespectful. Here are 10 ways you are being absolutely rude...

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Yogurt

Many of us take yogurt but it is not all of us that know about its surprising health benefits. Yogurts are packed with nutrients...

Apple Offers to Pay $1M to Whoever Hacks an IPhone

Tech giant Apple is making a rather incredulous offer, the company is offering to give away $1 million to anyone who can hack into...

Digitizing Your Business: Simple Essential Steps in Creating Your Business Website

Present day era everyone wants to be part his revolutionary internet age. Every business and individual has requirement for the website in name of...

6 Amazing Medicinal Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is one of the oldest known medicinal herbs, it has been used in the treatment of illnesses. Although, some people don't like it...

6 Reasons Why You Should Consume More of Soursop

Apart from its great taste, soursop has amazing health benefits. Here are the surprising health benefits of soursop:1. Relieves Respiratory Distress If you are struggling...

3 Amazing Health Benefits of Applying Lime Juice on Your Face

Lime juice, when taken orally or applied topically, improves one's complexion.Due to its skin lightening properties, lime is considered as a natural bleaching...

5 Relationship Expectations That May Cause You Disappointment

The mistake most persons make is entering relationships with fantastical expectations. Well, relationships in reality is not as portrayed in fairy-tales or some fantasy/romance...

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