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Alpha Maidawa

4103 POSTS

The Effects of Palm Wine Consumption on Male and Female Fertility

Effects Of Palm Wine On Male And Female Fertility – Palm wine is the main brand of traditional wine in some countries including Nigeria,...

6 Surprising Health Benefits of Cassava Flakes (Garri)

Cassava flakes or garri, as it is popularly called, is a staple in many Nigerian homes, in fact, it is highly regarded as an...

8 Foods that Can Boost Your Sexual Performance

According to Sexologist, Dr Vijay Singhal “Any healthy food is good for sex. However, there are certain items that are particularly beneficial- Walnuts, strawberry,...

Tips on How to Fix Black Screen Problem On Windows 10

Windows is rightly considered the most secure OS currently available on the market. Windows 10 also boasts such advanced functions as virtual desktops, GodMode...

5 Signs Your New Relationship May Last Long

According to bigeye.ug, here are 5 signs that shows your new relationship has a long lasting potential:1. Reliable and dependable Has your new partner kept...

The Advantages of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media,...

3 Tips on How to Begin a Serious Relationship

Individuals have their different ways on how to go about starting a relationship, some just let things flow with a natural rhythm while others...

3 Things Breakups Make You Discover About Yourself

Breakups are really heartbreaking, it brings gloom. But in those moments of sadness can be moments of self-evaluation and reinvention.Actually, here are 3...

7 Things That Can Ruin Your First Date

First dates can give the jitters. It can make one all worried about the impression they will make during the rendezvous.Well, according to withinnigeria.com,...

6 Tips on How to Save From Your NYSC Allowance

We all know that #19,800 NYSC allowance is not sufficient to take care of your needs, wants and desires at the same time. One...

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