


Answer the questions of the times and make historical choice with confidence, courage and sense of mission

By He Yin, People’s DailyFaced with the combined impacts of changes unseen in a century and the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is once again...

First China-Africa rail-sea express train leaves Hunan

By Sun Chao, People’s DailyThe first train of a combined sea-rail transport service to Africa departed Zhuzhou, central China's Hunan province, on Sept. 15.Carrying...

Nansha district in Guangzhou drives high-quality development with innovation

By Luo Aihua, People’s DailyWith a designed top speed of 160 km per hour, Guangzhou Metro Line 18 in south China’s Guangdong province, hailed...

China seeks to benefit all by building community with shared future for mankind

By He Yin, People’s DailyChinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech titled “Bolstering Confidence and Jointly Overcoming Difficulties to Build a Better World” at...

China launches campaign to make smart devices more friendly to seniors

By Han Xin, Tang Yixin, People's DailyChina is currently working to make smart facilities more friendly to the elderly, as a way to bring...

Shenzhou-12 astronauts return home safely after completing three-month space station construction mission

By Yu Jianbin, People’s DailyThree Chinese astronauts, Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming, and Tang Hongbo, who were sent into space onboard the Shenzhou-12 spaceship for...

Online shopping festival held to promote integration of Greater Bay Area

By Jiang Lin, He Linping, People's DailyThe first online shopping festival of China's Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area) has embraced a...

Livestream marketing, upgraded logistics drive sales of bananas in S China’s Nanning

By Li Zong, People’s DailyLivestream marketing and logistics reform, as results of China’s ever-expanding e-commerce platforms and express delivery network, have significantly boosted the...

U.S. the biggest saboteur of global stability

By Zhong Sheng, People's DailyMultiple U.S. media organizations recently revealed, upon extensive investigations, that the drone strike launched by the U.S. military at the...

Small home appliance market flourishes in China

By Han Xin, People’s DailyChina’s small home appliance market witnessed rapid growth in the first half of this year, registering a total of 25...

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