


China makes Belt and Road a public road open to all

By He YinBelt and Road cooperation pursues development, aims at mutual benefits, and conveys a message of hope, said Chinese President Xi Jinping on...

China establishes e-commerce cooperation mechanisms with 22 countries

In recent years, countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) have constantly enhanced policy communication and coordination to benefit cooperation in and...

Technologies arm professional farmers in China

Human resources are of huge importance for China's rural vitalization. At present, there are over 17 million high-caliber farmers working in the countryside to...

Xi says countries should bear in mind shared interests of mankind and make responsible, wise choices

By He Yin“China calls on all countries in Asia and beyond to answer the call of the times, defeat the COVID-19 pandemic through solidarity,...

Technologies arm professional farmers in China

By Yang Wenming, Qiao Dong, People's DailyHuman resources are of huge importance for China's rural vitalization. At present, there are over 17 million high-caliber...

China establishes e-commerce cooperation mechanisms with 22 countries

By Peng Xunwen, People’s Daily Overseas EditionIn recent years, countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) have constantly enhanced policy communication and...

Better cold chain logistics facilities bring benefits to consumers and sellers of fresh food in China

By Qi Zhiming, People's DailyThanks to the introduction of cold stores into a farmers’ market in Yugan county, east China's Jiangxi province, JuDejin, a...

Crop seed company in E China’s Shandong province devoted to breeding high-quality seeds to benefit farmers

By Wang Pei, People’s DailyHou Yuanjiang, general manager of a crop seed company in east China’s Shandong province, still feels an upsurge of emotionwhen...

China works to ensure everyone benefits from its rapid development

By LiHaoranWhile Fuxing bullet trains, the state-of-the-art high-speed trains of China, are running on the country’s continuously expanding high-speed railway network that might reach...

China’s justifiable judgment tolerates no foreign interference

By ZhongShengTo punish lawbreakers according to law is a matter of course.Recently, nine anti-China disruptors, including JimmyLaiChee-ying, MartinLeeChu-ming and AlbertHoChun-yan were convicted according to...

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