


Signing of RECP landmark achievement of East Asian cooperation

By He YinThe Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement was signed on Nov. 15, marking the official launching of a free trade area that...

U.S. internet monitoring threatens global data security

By Zhong ShengThe U.S., a country adept at internet manipulation, will surely pose severe challenges for the world if it is allowed to break...

To nourish people-to-people amity, build a community of cultural exchanges for all

By He YinGlobal challenges test the quality of human civilization.At present, the “clash of civilization” and “racial superiority” theories are emerging every now and...

China to join hands with other countries toward a future of shared prosperity

By He YinAt the critical moment of global development when economic globalization has run up against headwinds, protectionism and unilateralism are on the rise,...

China’s FAST discovers 240 pulsars

By Wu Yuehui, People’s DailyBeing put into service for 300 days, China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, also known as FAST, has showcased remarkable performance....

Great safety, orderly manner ensured at 3rd CIIE

By Zhao Zhanhui, Shen Shaotie, People’s DailyShanghai has once again embraced the China International Import Expo (CIIE) in this golden autumn.The aroma from the...

China delivers remarkable performance in commercial 5G services

By Wang Zheng, People's DailyChina's communication industry, since officially launching commercial 5G services on Oct. 31, 2019, has remarkably advanced 5G construction over the...

China to setup 10 demonstration zones to promote imports

By Luo Shanshan, People's DailyNine departments and institutions in China announced on Nov. 4 that the country plans to set up 10 demonstration zones...

China demonstrates sincerity, sense of responsibility in openness, cooperation

By He YinChinese President Xi Jinping said on Nov. 4 that the overwhelming trend for countries to move toward openness and cooperation remains unchanged,...

Bamboo and rattan industry weaves a bridge to advance South-South cooperation

By Wan Yu, Shang Kaiyuan, People’s DailyNiiNamoaleyObiba is the owner of a bambooware shop in a business street near the Kumasi Zoo in Kumasi...

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