by: Godknows Boladei IgaliThe 2020 celebration of the March 8 International Women’s Day in Nigeria had an added significance and flavour, as the country...
Ewa’s Thought in Words
HEALING…I use to think that healing the sick was the sole job of the medical doctors or divine healers until a little boy fourteen...
Ewa’s Thought in Words
DEEDS OF KINDNESS…Benignity is an act that expresses nothing but warmth of love loaded in pure actions of charity.Charity they say begins at...
Ewa’s Thought in Words
I TRIED TO UNDERSTANDI have tried to understand God's graciousness to man without success. I have tried to understand, why as almighty as He...
Ewa’s Thought in Words
TIME IS THE STORY UNTOLD…Time existed when no man did.It separated the end from the beginning. Everything ever created has an allocation call time....
Ewa’s Thought in Words
CREDIBILITYCredibility is not attained by magic. It is a product of well thought out choices embodied in trust and good beliefs.It's a defining feature...
Ewa’s Thought in Words
WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN. . .When the sun goes down and we are confronted with nothing but the details of time…With truths and...
Ewa’s Thought in Words
THE DARK DAYS CAME…The dark days came by with hope of the sunrise far from reach. . .T0phe earth was thrown into confusion!With so...
Ewa’s Thought in Words
A MOTHER'S LOVE…The quality of a mother's love is seen in her children; how she cares for them, how she fights for them, how...
Ewa’s Thoughts in Words
DEALING WITH EQUITY…There can never be transparency in the distribution of justice neither will our scarce resources ever be equitably distributed, until there is...
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