Ewa’s Thought in Words


Sometimes words are totally inadequate to embody my thoughts, thoughts so crammed with powerful emotions and resounding troubles.

The times are drooling with terror. The liberty once experienced is now considered a  privilege paved by the instructions only the instrument of state can provide.

Sometimes, we are unsure of what lies ahead, terrified by what we do not understand. The days are so uncertain, my thoughts are so cloudy, seeing humanity lose it essence.
Our priorities are certainly misplaced! Life is truly not worth it, if all its worth is less than love for another human person.

My thoughts are bursting yet I can’t even tell my story, a story of the life I had always conceived and the world I have always dreamt of. But what is life when there is no love to keep warm and be human?

What is life when there is no compassion for the next human person, when we cannot feel empathy for a fellow human kind? What is life when it has been ripped of its core values and gone all systematic and mechanical? When there’s hardly any emotional display, not even by an innocent child who has slowly but surely become a reflection of the new world we have wickedly created; when self centeredness and individualism have become pandemics eating up the world bit by bit like a plague sent by the gods, yet it is a choice we have made. There is a price for every choice we make.