Ewa’s Thought in Words


The quality of a mother’s love is seen in her children; how she cares for them, how she fights for them, how she takes on the world for them without a second thought. She is fearless when it comes to protecting her children. She rather dies than see harm come to her child under her watch. No one can comprehend the love of a mother for her child for she tirelessly prays for mercy, for excedeeding and abundant blessings upon her children. Each and every new day finds her on her knees.

Mothers are like God. They never turn their backs on their children just because they are bad.
A father may disown a child because he doesn’t feel proud of his or her ways, conduct, image or what the child has become but a mother stands by even if the child were a monster. She is the only one like God, who keeps hoping that the child will one day find his or her way back home to her open arms. This she does, not only by wishing but by continuously and ceaselessly praying for the mercy of God upon her child’s life.
Mothers are like God… They give life  amidst birth pangs shedding blood and water just like Jesus did for our salvation. Like God, she is the most rejected and abandoned but she suffers patiently and waits hopefully. She never forgets her child because he or she has wandered away from her love and guidance. From a distance, she still keeps a watchful eye on her child. Her value on human life is priceless because she understands exactly what it means to carry a child to full term and care for him or her after birth. To her, life will always be sacred and her love for her child will always be eternal. A mother’s love is deep and can never be completely fathomed.