Ewa’s Thought in Words


I have tried to understand God’s graciousness to man without success. I have tried to understand, why as almighty as He is, He cares so much about man to the point of bringing Himself down to our level, just to listen and to fellowship with us when we invite Him.
I have tried to understand the manner of love, that makes His love for man so infinite, His mercies so profound.

I have tried to understand the reason for His loving kindness and His unwavering commitment to the wellbeing of man.
I have tried to understand God’s gain in man so perishable that He keeps giving His all.
I have tried to comprehend this great love very unsuccessfully. God’s love for man is indeed incomprehensible!
I have tried to seek full understanding in the ways so divine, hoping that the power that lies in that knowledge is enough to unravel the mystery of who God truly is, but failed.. .

So, when times are unjust, unpleasant and difficult, when times are unsure,
uncontemptible and frustrating, when times are unfavourable, gruelling and contemplative, when tough moments occupy our stay, when we no longer think it’s possible to move on from issues so holding! Remember,
There is a God so unchangeable. He is everly dependable, kind, trustable and loving. His mercies are enduring. He does not judge us as man does neither does He condemn us because we falter or fail Him each time.

Rejoice therefore, knowing that He is constant in His love, kind in His ways, capable in His actions, faithful in His words and true to His promises. Fight every battle with God and you will see that that your victory is garranteed.