Ewa’s Thought in Words


The effect of lies can be enormous, its consequences even more dangerous… Sometimes, it can last a lifetime but we still indulge most times for short term victories or satisfaction. We forget that words have life just like trees. They live even long after we’re gone. Lies can destroy an entire generation, even a whole nation can be misled by lies. People can go to war based on lies generated by a few and scores of hundreds of thousands of people can lose their lives. Many more hundreds of thousands may become displaced and homeless all because someone concocted a story that provoked tension which likely grew into a feud and became a blood bath.

Lies may seem an easy escape route or a simple resolution to immediate impending problem, but in the real sense, it is just a deference of a looming explosion which may happen at a place or time you least expect.

Lies have been known to be responsible for a lot of broken hearts, broken relationships, broken marriages, broken families, broken trust. Lies have been responsible for deaths of many, many have taken their own lives on the account of lies told them by their trusted ones, either spouses or parents. In the not too recent times, there have been several cases pertaining to paternity lie stories, which have made some men to start demanding for paternity test on their children to confirm if they are really the biological fathers of those children.

Lies remain a way of life for some humans.. They sleep and rise with lies, they tell lies right at the first instance of interaction. Their ability to pilot and peddle lies is so effortless. For these ones, lying has become a culture, truth can only be the odd side of their person.

Sometimes, it is difficult to understand exactly the motivation behind the lies that people tell, but to an extent, I have come to realise that some people just have a problem with being real. That is to say, bearing false information by creating a version of themselves that does not exist, is what truly makes them feel either special, important or better. The question now is, do they consider the fact that they can be found out at any point? Do they actually realise that being found out means they can hardly be trusted anymore by the person or persons they have lied to? How do they feel, knowing that someone looks at them as nothing but someone who is incapable of being truthful?

The intricacies of life to some has been the reason for their lies based life style, that some people are not just truth friendly. Many relationships end up falling apart because it was all founded on lies, but as the journey continued, lies could no longer sustain it and it had to die naturally because the life-force of the relationship is not sustainable by untruthful and unreal representation.

Lie is like a prison. It keeps you trapped within the confines of an invisible wall denying you of every right of a free born because you know you are striving on borrowed time.