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Blackout Worsens as National Grid Collapse for 5th time in 2022

There was widespread blackout across the country on Sunday following the collapse of the national power grid, making it the fifth collapse of Nigeria’s...

Blackout : National Grid Suffers Total Collapses

Nigeria’s National Power Grid has collapsed again yesterday leaving the entire country without electricity supply.The latest collapse followed weeks of bickering among operators that...

Blackout in Lagos cities will continue for four weeks – TCN

The Nigerian Export Promotion Council has organised a workshop for over 60 operators of Small and Medium-scale Enterprises in Osun State on how to...

Blackout worsens as National Grid collapses

The national power grid on Wednesday suffered another system collapse, resulting in worsening the blackout in parts of the country.The Nation gathered that power...

Shutdown of PHEDC operations in Yenagoa over N16.5bn debt, blackout enters Day 10

The electricity outage occasioned by the face-off between the Ijaw Youths Council (IYC) and the Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company (PHEDC) has entered the...

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