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President Putin Give Conditions For Peace Talks With Ukraine

Russian president, Vladimir Putin has revealed that he's open for peace talks with Ukraine to end the war, but only if Kyiv accepts 'new...

Most dangerous, unpredictable decade since WW II ahead – Putin warns

The Russian president has forecast greater uncertainty as the era of unipolar Western dominance comes to an endRussian President Vladimir Putin believes the world...

Putin Formally Begins Annexation of Ukraine Regions

The Russian President, Vladimir Putin, is set to stage a ceremony in an ornate Kremlin hall to announce Russia’s rule over around 15% of...

Russia-Ukraine War: Putin won’t win in Ukraine – NATO

Russian President, Vladimir Putin will not win the war in Ukraine despite his new order to mobilize thousands of extra troops, transatlantic military alliance,...

Putin Accuses Ukraine Of ‘War Crimes’ In Macron Call

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday accused Kyiv of “war crimes” in a call with his French counterpart, saying that Moscow was doing “everything...

Sanctions Imposed on Russia Akin to Declaration Of War – Putin

Vladimir Putin says the sanctions imposed on Russia by western countries over the invasion of Ukraine are like a declaration of war.Speaking to flight...

Russia Announces ‘Military Operation’ In Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a military operation in Ukraine on Thursday with explosions heard soon after across the country and its foreign minister...

Biden Says He Agrees That Putin Is A ‘Killer’

President Joe Biden said he agrees with the assessment that his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin is a “killer.”In an interview with ABC News broadcast...

Vladimir Putin signs law extending nuclear arms treaty between US and Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law ratifying the extension of New START, an important arms control treaty with the United States, a...

Putin, Merkel discuss joint vaccine production

Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have discussed the possibility of jointly producing coronavirus vaccines in a phone call, the Kremlin...

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