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The Speaker of the House of Representatives Rt. Hon. Abbas Tajudeen, Ph.D, has congratulated Nigerians as they mark Democracy Day and celebrate 25 years of unbroken democracy in the Fourth Republic.
He said the country has evolved in the past 25 years, and the dividends of democracy are bound to reach more Nigerians.Speaker Abbas noted that this year’s celebration is significant in the life of the National Assembly, as it also marks the one-year anniversary of the 10th Assembly.The 10th National Assembly was inaugurated on June 13, 2023.
The Speaker, who stated that democracy has come to stay in Nigeria, said the country has been navigating through the learning curves successfully. He added that though it is not perfect yet, the country has continued to grow in democratic experience and practice.
He enjoined fellow Nigerians across tribes and religions, genders and age groups, to continue to contribute their quota to the growth and development of the country, saying Nigeria promises to be a nation that the citizens would be proud of.
Speaker Abbas further urged Nigerians to continue to support the government at all levels and remain law-abiding citizens. He stated that it is the collective responsibility of all – with the people as the critical stakeholders – to make the government succeed on its plans, policies, and programmes.
The Speaker wished Nigerians happy celebrations.
Musa Abdullahi Krishi, Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to the Speaker, House of Representatives, Federal Republic of Nigeria.


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