I wouldn’t have turned out the way I did if my father was alive -Kunle Afolayan

Movie producer, Kunle Afolayan has said that his father would have influenced his career path away from what he’s doing now that has earned him success.

In an Instagram post, Kunle Afolayan said he was forced to admit such after his children raised a question concerning his father.

He also advised people to ensure they deal with situations involving their parents in a wise manner.

“My response to them was that, yes, I miss my father so much but the honest truth is I wouldn’t have turned out the way I did if he was alive. They asked why and I said because he would have influenced my journey and I would have done and handled things differently. I could have turned out better or worst, I could have become a rebel or even choose a completely different career. I am a product of hard work and self-sufficient but I probably would never have ventured into the world of filmmaking of I wasn’t brought the world by and through him.

“My point is if your parents do things and go all out for you, do appreciate and value their efforts while they are here.
You will also meet some people along the way in the course of your journey, every contact with another human, animals, plants and nature is meant to help get you to the next phase of your journey in life. Some will bring positivity and some will bring negativity. Just be wise enough to know and deal with either accordingly.

“Thank you to every beautiful human being I have met in the course of my journey, I wouldn’t have gotten this far without you all i.e, Baba my Miami, brothers, sisters, friends, ex-girlfriends, family, schoolmates, colleagues, clients, godparents and enemies”.