
“Meta embraces desk sharing, reduces office space in Lagos, optimizing operations.”

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“Meta Streamlines Operations in Lagos: Introduces Desk Sharing Amid Office Downsizing”
In a strategic move aimed at optimizing resources, Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, is implementing significant changes in its Lagos operations. Under the banner of office downsizing, Meta is transitioning to desk sharing for employees, particularly those with limited in-office presence.

The decision to reduce office space comes as Meta renegotiates its tenancy agreement at the Kings Tower building in Ikoyi, Lagos. A Meta spokesperson emphasized the company’s commitment to aligning its real estate footprint with evolving business needs, including those specific to its Nigerian operations.

With a focus on efficiency, Meta is embracing desk sharing to accommodate employees who predominantly work remotely. This shift follows recent layoffs in Nigeria, which notably impacted the engineering team. Despite these adjustments, Meta reaffirms its long-term commitment to Nigeria, pledging continued investments in strategic endeavors.

In a parallel development, Microsoft clarified recent closures, indicating that only the engineering team at the Microsoft Africa Development Centre (ADC) in Lagos was affected, with operations for Microsoft Nigeria remaining intact. Meanwhile, during a visit to Nigeria, Meta’s President of Global Affairs, Nick Clegg, unveiled plans to empower Nigerian content creators through new monetization features released in June 2024.

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