
Tinubu’s first year in office affirms Nigeria’ll be great – Bishop Adegbite

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By Joyce Remi-Babayeju

The Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Christian Pilgrim Commission, NCPC, Bishop Stephen Adegbite has affirmed that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s first year in office is an affirmation that Nigeria will be great again.

The NCPC boss stated this when he received the Leader of the Northern Youth for Good Leadership and Governance at the Commission’s office in Abuja on Friday.

The Bishop commended President Tinubu’s commitment to democracy and selfless service to the nation, as he highlighted the similarities between President Tinubu’s ideology , and that of the late Elder Statesmen, late Chief Obafemi Awolowo and the late Sir Ahmadu Bello who shared their visions of a better Nigeria.

Furthermore, he emphasized his belief in justice, fair play, and the importance of empowering young people, as one who has experienced such challenges as a youth.

He thanked the Northern Youth group for honoring him with a Certificate of Excellence and assured them of his continued dedication to serving humanity and promoting the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Tinubu’s administration.

Earlier, Engr. Abdulmalik Usman, Vice Chairman of the Northern Youth for Good Leadership and Governance, praised Bishop Adegbite’s sterling qualities and good works, describing him as a super Executive Secretary.

He highlighted the organization’s focus on agricultural entrepreneurship, skill acquisition, and youth reorientation to address trending issues and promote informed decision-making.

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