10 Reasons why you shouldn’t start a business yet

I am very sure there are a lot of article out their telling you to go forth and start a business, but I am telling you today that it is not everyone that need to start a business. Actually your idea is special but it does not mean that the world want to see it or hear it or shove money in to it. There would have been fewer business and more successes, if only those small business that failed had hesitated and considered why they were getting into business. So if any of my reasons hit you, then you do not need to become an entrepreneur.

1. You Hate Your Job: You can hate your current job all you want, but it won’t add to the value of the business you want to start. Leaving a job you dislike can be exhilarating, but make sure you are replacing your job with a viable alternative that allows you to support yourself financially.

2. You Hate Your Boss: Like hating your job, hating your boss doesn’t make your business idea any better. The decision to start your own business should be based on factors related to the business itself, like the opportunity to deliver value and the feasibility of making it happen. Also, keep in mind that customers and suppliers can be just as difficult to deal with as that boss you hate.

3. You’re in it for the Money
Don’t hold your breath waiting for easy money. When you start your business, you will face challenges that require you to have resilience, passion, and stubbornness. If you’re just in it for the money, it’ll be much harder to meet those challenges, especially if the money isn’t pouring in yet. If you are truly doing what you love, the money shouldn’t matter so much.

4. You Want to Work Less
Running your own business is time-consuming, especially in the beginning. You are always on-call. You can’t clock out from work at the end of the day like you can when you are employed by someone else. There is always work to do, and you are the only one who can make sure it gets done.

5. You Want More Flexibility
If you are expecting to only work when you want, you will be disappointed. You may now be your own boss, but your customers don’t care about your sleep schedule or vacation plans. Your customers will want what they want when they want it. And when they do, you have to be ready for them.

6. You Think It Will Be easier Than a Corporate Job:
The hardships you experience at work are a result of your job being just that: work. As mentioned above, starting your own business will be a lot of work. Entrepreneurship may entail a different set of challenges, but it is in no way easier than having a corporate job.

7. You Only Want to Answer to Yourself:
As an entrepreneur, you answer to no one and everyone. Technically, you won’t have a boss, but you’ll still have to answer to your customers, your suppliers, and your employees. You can cut yourself as much slack as you want, but any slack you cut yourself will have a direct effect on your business.

8. You Want to Have Fun: Although starting and running your own business can be a lot of fun, you are bound to come across tedious tasks. At times, the workload will overwhelm you. To be a successful entrepreneur, you will have to face both the good and bad with a relentless fervour. Enjoy the good times, but don’t depend on them to keep you going.

9. You Want to Be Famous: Building awareness about your company within your target audience is necessary, but you need to look at publicity as a means to an end, not your end goal. Being an entrepreneur is about building a successful business by creating and delivering value, not by becoming a celebrity.

10. A Friend Wants to Start a Business with You:

Just because someone you know or admire wants to work with you, that shouldn’t make a business opportunity attractive. Furthermore, even if a friend or a family member has a great business idea, mixing business with personal relationships can be problematic.