
Saving tips for single mothers

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Raising kids can be so financially demanding especially if you are a single mother. Well, except if you are a millionaire single mother.

So here are saving tips for single ladies:

1. Shop food in bulk

Food is one of the largest expense any household incurs, and it is quite a load for single mothers because they’re the sole providers of their households.

It is even more tricky when you’re running a house that has teenagers because it is at this stage that food disappears quickly.

Therefore, as a single mum, its advisable to buy foods such as rice, sugar and flour in bulk in order to save money.

It’s even better if you do it from a wholesale because they’re much affordable than supermarkets and shops.

If you have a kitchen garden, consider growing vegetables and save that money that you’ll use on your ‘mama mboga’ daily. If you don’t have space for a kitchen garden, use pots and containers to plant some vegetables.

2. Open a savings account

Every parent wants their children to flourish and have a bright future, and one of the ways of doing that is opening a savings account exclusively for them.

The money will come in handy especially when they start school, but also when an emergency occurs.

3.Look for cheap ways to entertain your kids

Sometimes being a single mother means not having the time, energy and money to entertain yourself, especially if you’re a low-middle income earner and don’t get help from anyone.

However, this shouldn’t be reason to deprive your kids of entertainment.

Be creative and devise ways of bonding with your children while at home.

Try creating crafts with your kids, do puzzles, play board games, paint pictures, have a dance off with your kids, or just any activity that will make you and your kids have a good time without digging deep in your pockets.

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