How to make cold and cattarh go away

NEVER use handkerchiefs or facetowels.

The issue with handkerchiefs is that it keeps the microorganisms and when you reuse the cloth, you reinfect yourself again.

Use tissue papers instead.

And discard immediately.

And how does this happen that you infect other people?

Each time you use the handkerchief to blow your nose and keep it back in your pocket- your hands touch the viruses that cause the cold- using that same hand to shake, touch, hug or kiss someone easily gives them the cold.
You should always remember:

Colds are caused by viruses and easily spread to other people.

And as long as you have symptoms you can spread it. This may take up to 1-2weeks.

Colds are spread by germs from coughs and sneezes, which can live on hands and surfaces for 24 hours.

How to prevent spreading a cold?

Wash your hands with warm water & soap after each sneeze.

Never share towels or household items (like cups) with others.

Do not kiss, touch or shake others without washing your hands first.

Use tissue papers after every sneeze and bin it straight.

If you notice you are having:

High fever,

Feeling drowsy,

Unable to eat/drink,

Getting very breathless,

Repeated cough with thick green/yellow sputum,

Pls go to hospital and speak with a doctor. That’s NOT a simple cold.
You may be developing a chest infection.