
2023: Gov Emmanuel solidifies succession plan, inaugurates Maintain Peace Movement Committee

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Governor Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom has began to cement his succession plan and has inaugurated a group generally believed he would use to champion the cause.

He has however declared that the politics of 2023 would neither divide the people nor disrupt existing peace in the state and cautioned politicians against invitation of external forces to disrupt the existing peace in the state.

Inaugurating the National Executive Committee of the Maintain Peace Movement Emmanuel said the peace being preached in Akwa Ibom State is urgently needed across the 36 states of Nigeria

“This message is starting in Akwa Ibom State today, but it is needed in all the 36 states of Nigeria. we need peace, unity, love, brotherhood. Everybody is preaching peace, why not you. You must seek, pursue, maintain and sustain peace.

“Outsiders should leave us alone. Politics, political parties and religion should not divide us. I declare peace in Akwa Ibom State. If citizens decide there must be peace, then trust there would be peace. Peace, declared the Lord Almight; shall be upon Akwa Abasi Ibom State.

“This peace will bring development and money. One party must play a fool for peace to reign and that party must be you. We are saying no to all sort of negativities. Even the Politics of 2023 will not divide us, the politics of succession will not divide us.

“Akwa Ibom is PDP, PDP is Akwa Ibom, so leave us alone, PDP is the only party that can ensure peace in Akwa Ibom. Do not open your door to any aspirant who is not preaching peace. In our move towards transition, there shall be peace.” The Governor explained.

In his opening remarks, Chairman of the occasion and State Deputy Governor, Mr Moses Ekpo said the Movement was necessitated by the need to ensure a smooth and peaceful transition of leadership beyond the present administration.

Ekpo called on those inaugurated to consider the event an important step toward ensuring a smooth and peaceful succession plan. “you cannot transfer leadership in an atmosphere of fear, dread and selfishness”

“This event is significant because it would make clear that peace is absolutely paramount and necessary for a community that wants to move forward and make progress. Let me pay tribute to Governor Udom Emmanuel, a man of peace, sent by God to the state at the right time and the difference is very very clear.

“The peace movement is possible because the leader of this state is an embodiment of peace. Akwa Ibom State has never been this peaceful. Peace resides here. That same God who gave us a Governor who cares about the people will sustain the state beyond the tenure of this government.

“We are here to inaugurate formally the instrument for continued peace. God will point to all of you here who the successor of Governor Udom Emmanuel will be. I don’t know how we would be able to live in an environment that is devoid of peace.

“Whoever takes over come 2023 must be a man endowed with peace. if you are peaceful you would think about the need of other people, you would not be selfish, you would push for equity, fairness and justice. This leadership is very mindful of the need to put this state together.

In his acceptance speech, the newly sworn-in National Chairman of Maintain Peace Movement and incumbent National Legal Adviser of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Barr Emmanuel Enoidem said the mandate to take the message of peace and to prepare grounds for peaceful transition came through Governor Udom Emmanuel in August 2021.

“We have gone round all the 31 LGAs with the message of peace and the crowd today communicates the degree of acceptance. Akwa Ibom people are prepared to stand with you to process the completion agenda and your succession plan. it is an unwritten custom in our state.

“We, the managers of the movement are with you on your succession plan, you shall not be alone. what you have done in the last six years is not an act of accident. your achievements have been monumental. You have taken Akwa Ibom to the world. You have laid a solid foundation to industrialize the state. We assure you that PDP will be retained in Akwa Ibom State”. he assured

Some other key officers inaugurated include Deputy Chairman, Mr Aniekan Bassey, Hon Enobong Uwah a Secretary and Comrade Ini Ememobong as Director of Media and Publicity.

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