
2023: ‘I can’t tell if I’m contesting’ – Jonathan speaks on running for Presidency

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Former President Goodluck Jonathan on Friday reacted to calls that he should run for the 2023 Presidency.

Jonathan said he can’t tell if he will run for the Presidency in 2023.

He disclosed this while addressing some supporters who besieged his office in Abuja, asking him to run for the Presidency in 2023.

According to Jonathan: “I cannot tell if I’m contesting.”

Hundreds of supporters, including women and youth groups, stormed Jonathan’s office, asking him to contest for President in 2023.

The supporters arrived at the office with a musical band around 8:50 a.m.

They lamented that hunger, insecurity, and unemployment, among others, have become the order of the day since he left office.

The supporters said that both men and women have turned to beggars because of the unfavourable policies of the present administration.

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