
2023: Tambuwal Torchlights Presidency While 58

By Muhammad Ibrahim,Sokoto

He is a “political cat with nine lives.” When he left Abuja for Sokoto in 2015, his competitors celebrated and predicted the gradual diminishing of his fast rising political profile. Unknown to them, Tambuwal’s decision to withdraw from the political centre to serve his development challenged state was a journey of self – rediscovery and preparation for higher responsibilities. Tambuwal is back to the national stage and better. He has been effectively deploying the skills and experiences acquired while navigating the executive, legislative and third sectors. He is rated as one of the most influential Nigerians living. That is Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal; cerebral, articulate, eloquent, humble, compassionate and full of the innovative spirit.

Governor’s publicity aide Kabiru Umar submitted that, Tambuwal was an outstanding Speaker of the House of Representatives. He ran a rancour and scandal – free administration. He managed the finances of the House prudently and adopted the inclusive style of leadership. Above all, during his eventful tenure, the House was responsive to the yearnings and aspirations of the Nigerian people. One of the defining moments of the 7th House of Representatives was its decision to suspend its Christmas break by sitting on a Sunday, January 8, 2012 to consider the increase in petrol price by the Goodluck Jonathan Administration at a time many Nigerians were in celebration mood and had least expected the raise. The increase had threatened to destabilize Nigeria. That intervention by Speaker Tambuwal and his patriotic colleagues calmed the raging storm.

Governor Tambuwal has delivered and still delivering in the Seat of the Caliphate, Sokoto State. When he assumed office in 2015, the situation in the education, health and agriculture sectors were deeply troubling. Instead of agonizing, he set to work, deploying his financial and human management wizardry. The poor finances and high indebtedness of the state did not deter him. He is a man on a mission. His perseverance and commitment have paid off. He has changed the face of Sokoto State.

Governor Tambuwal’s first challenge on assumption of office in 2015 was how to manage the huge indebtedness of the state and find a creative way of addressing the monumental developmental challenges confronting the Caliphate State. He had a template for action. The House of Representatives was in a similar situation when he became Speaker in 2011. He was able to clear the debts owed by the House, and put in place clear financial policies and procedures. While carrying out the surgical operation, he consulted his colleagues and sought their cooperation and support. They did not hesitate in giving their support. They saw in Tambuwal a man who led by example. Their patience and support was fully rewarded. The House in no time bounced back financially and members, aides and staff started receiving their entitlements without disruption. He has repeated the the same feat in Sokoto State. Sokoto State is now one of the least indebted states in Nigeria.

Apart from cleaning up the finances of the state, Governor Tambuwal has injected fresh energy into the economy of the state. Sokoto State was recently adjudged the second best in Ease of Doing Business in Nigeria. The Government has put in place legal and institutional frameworks to make the business environment friendly. Investors are responding. Sokoto is now a destination of choice. The Ministry of Commerce under the creative and resourceful Bashir Gidado has been unrelenting in its drive to make Sokoto State a major business hub. It has also been coordinating the export of commodities by Sokoto agro -businesses to West African countries.

The educational sector has been uplifted. He has built and rehabilitated many primary, secondary and tertiary institutions. A couple of Girls Science Academies are nearing completion. Sokoto State University is being given priority attention and will in no time become one of Nigeria’s leading universities. Ditto for the Umaru Shinkafi Polytechnic and the Shehu Shagari College of Education, that is in the process of being converted to a University of Education.

What is happening in the health sector in Sokoto State is a revolution. It is a comprehensive and inclusive package being delivered by a visionary leader. The infrastructures are being constructed at dizzying speed. I make bold to say that Governor Tambuwal is one Nigerian that really drew lessons from the Corona Virus Pandemic. He sees the ravaging impact of the COVID-19 as an opportunity to reinvent our health sector and prepare it for future challenges. Governor Tambuwal has rehabilitated the Primary Healthcare Centres in Sokoto State. He is constructing three Premier Hospitals in the three Senatorial Zones. He is constructing a State of the Art University of Sokoto Teaching Hospital. The State of the Art Medical Diagnostic Centre, Farfaru, Sokoto was recently commissioned by Governor Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta State. The Government has recruited thousands of nurses and midwives to take care of the Primary Healthcare Centres and Hospitals. The School of Nursing has been upgraded and repositioned to cater for the personnel needs of the state.

The Agricultural Sector has been boosted. The Administration developed innovative policies and programmes to boost the sector and attract the needed investment for its growth and development. To promote effective agricultural services in the state, the government conducted the state-wide farmers enumeration exercise for the establishment of the SOKOTO AGRICULTURAL DATABASE (SSAD). The first phase of the exercise captured over 65,000 Fadama farmers covering over 125,000 hectares across the state. The second phase is ongoing and is expected to cover another 70,000 farmers across over 130,000 hectares. The database contains farmers basic information and pictures, coordinates of the farmland and what crops they produce. The database will provide instant data of our farmers, ease access to agricultural facilities, and guide agricultural policy of the state.

The Government has been procuring certified seeds from reputable seed companies and distributing free to farmers. It has been carrying out yearly procurement of fertilizers for sale to farmers at subsidized rates. 15,000 units of 2″ & 3″ water pumps were procured and sold to farmers at subsidized rate to support dry season farming. The Government has been promoting private sector driven Out-Grower similar to CBN’s Anchor Borrowers Programme with Dangote Rice Out – Grower Scheme. 500 hectares of land has been committed to the programme on a pilot basis. Over 1000 farmers are currently engaged in dry season rice farming. Silame and Kware will be engaged under the 2nd phase.

The Kware Irrigation Scheme is being reconstructed under the ATA – SP 11 Intervention. The Government has paid the counterpart funding of N1.2 Billion to Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) for rehabilitation of Wurno Dam and control of erosion/flood that affects over 4,000 farmers within the area.

The Sokoto State Fadama Coordination Office has contributed immensely to the growth and development of the agricultural sector in Sokoto State. From 2015 to date, it has created a total of 38,309 jobs across intervention areas. This was a result of the support farmers received for the cultivation of a total of 27,041 hectares across the value chain crops of rice, sorghum and tomato in the 23 local government areas of Sokoto State.

Sokoto State is now a huge construction site. In Sokoto City and across the local governments, road construction, building of solar powered water schemes and installation of solar lights are ongoing. The Government has so far constructed 250 solar powered water schemes across the 23 local government councils of the state. The project which was completed in three months is part of government’s policy of opening up the rural areas and improving the standard of living of the people. The project consists of solar pumping system, control room, distribution system, borehole, 10,000 – litre capacity tank and security fence.

Sokoto City is wearing a new look. Three major flyovers are being constructed. They are the flyover bridge at Rijiyar Dorowa Round-about, nine span flyover bridge at Rujin Sambo area, and flyover bridge at Gidan Man Ada. New roads have been commissioned and many are ongoing. They include the dualization of Waziri Abbas Road in Sokoto Metropolis, dualization of Maituta Road in Sokoto Metropolis, construction of Tashar Illela – Achida Junction Road, Sokoto, construction of 12 kilometer Southern bye pass Dual Carriageway linking Shuni – Tsehen Masu – Gandun Ardo – Kasarawa and construction of 7.2 kilometer Welcome to Sokoto Gate – Shuni Dual Carriageway. Mabera, Sokoto drainages and access roads are nearing completion. Operation “Zero Potholes” is being executed with zeal. Road users have been smiling. Sokoto is looking clean and beautiful. Corporate organizations and popular businesses in Sokoto have been partnering with the State Government to reconstruct and beautify the roundabouts in the city. In 2018, the state government entered into a partnership with the World Bank for the construction of 500km rural roads across the state. The state government promptly released its counterpart funding. The government keyed into the World Bank’s Rural Access Mobility Project (RAMP) so as to open up rural areas and enhance economic opportunities for rural dwellers.

The State Ministry of Environment under the young and dynamic Sagir Bafarawa has been working round the clock to keep Sokoto clean and address environmental challenges. Desert encroachment is a major threat. Flooding is a key challenge. The Ministry has initiated programmes/projects in the area of climate risk reduction and adaptation.

Youth and Women Empowerment are key priorities of the Tambuwal Administration. The government has been unwavering in the implementation of the Sokoto Youth Economic Empowerment Project (SO-YEEP), Youth and Women Empowerment on Technological Innovation under the Science and Technology Ministry and a Youth Mentorship Program to groom young people in Sokoto in governance and leadership. In the sports subsector, the construction of a world class Stadium and a multi – purpose sports hall have reached about 75% completion. The aim is to further boost the competitiveness of the state’s athletes and footballers, who have been acquitting themselves at national and global stages, as well as creating employment opportunities for the teeming youths of the Caliphate State.

Governor Tambuwal’s Women Empowerment drive is unprecedented in the history of Sokoto State. He has appointed more women into cabinet and administrative positions than previous governments. He has been giving full support to the effective implementation of women centered policies and programmes. He recently signed the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Bill into law and domesticated the Child Protection Act.

The State Government has been tackling poverty headlong. The Tambuwal Administration has consciously and deliberately been implementing key poverty reduction measures in Sokoto State. While pursuing economic growth and development it has adopted policies that provide incentives for using labour – intensive techniques. This is with a view to generating more employment opportunities and increasing productivity of labour. The administration has and continues to invest heavily in agriculture which is the biggest employer and the key to food security.

The administration has also been investing massively in infrastructure development which generates employment opportunities for the poor. Human resource development is one of the key priorities of the administration. Skill acquisition is been aggressively carried out to empower women and the youths. The trained women and youths either get self – employed or easily get wage employment. The government has also identified non – farm employment as one of the key ways of reducing poverty in the rural areas. It has created opportunities for indigent women and men to go into petty trading and making of handicrafts. For those involved in small scale farming and small scale businesses, the state government not only provides small capital and working tools to them, it also creates access to credit for them.

In 2017, the state government commenced the distribution of N250m to 25,000 women in the rural areas of Sokoto State. Each of the beneficiaries got a minimum of N10,000 to put into their small businesses. In April 2017, 2000 women graduated from the specialised entrepreneurship training organised by the state government through the State Zakkat and Empowerment Commission. The women, trained in 48 different small scale businesses, were presented with cash grants and other working tools to start their businesses. Also in April 2017, 350 women and youths graduated from a skills acquisition program organised by the state government under its citizens empowerment initiative.

From 2015 to 2017, the Tambuwal Administration created over 27,000 jobs in the agricultural sector. The government supported over 33,000 people through promotion of improved crop production techniques, paras veterinary clinics and women and youth off – farm activities. Similarly, through the community – based agric and rural development initiatives, the government created 27,166 jobs through different interventions on sustainable agriculture, community infrastructure, rural enterprise development, among others.

In June 2017, the Sokoto State Government established an Agency for Poultry Development to enable citizens of the state tap from the potential available in the sector. The agency has been equipping citizens with needed technical expertise to assist them in efforts to maximally benefit from the sector. The target is to engage about 2 million people in the sector in the next few years and increase production of poultry meat and eggs. This is a practical way of tackling poverty, especially among rural dwellers.

To boost commercial cultivation of select economic trees like Gum Arabic, Moringa, Dates and Shea Tree, the Sokoto State Government in 2017 allocated vast lands to farmers. Governor Tambuwal said this step was taken to encourage individuals to take the lead, make a success of the endeavour and ensure that the benefits gets to as many farmers as possible. “We’re opening up a new corridor in fighting poverty and unemployment. We will support our farmers with improved seeds and technical expertise to ensure the state derives maximum benefits from the venture.” In February 2017, the state government released the sum of N1.2 billion for the payment of accumulated gratuity from the year 2010 for the staff of local government councils in Sokoto State.

In April 2017, Governor Tambuwal approved the release of six hundred and seventy seven million Naira (N677m) for the settlement of accumulated pensions of teachers and local government staff, as well as severance gratuity for former councillors in Sokoto State. In 2017, the state government, in collaboration with the Nigeria Office of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) trained 100 former VVF patients in cosmetology with a view to empowering them economically. They were taught to take care of hair and skill, do makeup, and produce beauty products like soaps, perfumes/body spray, disinfectants and antiseptics. After their graduation, the women were given working tools and capital to enable them start their own businesses.

In 2017, 30 women graduated from the Women Skills Empowerment Program (WOSEP) organised by the Sokoto State Ministry of Women and Children Affairs and facilitated by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF). The women were taught modern methods of taking care of hair and skin, new techniques in makeup, and manufacture of beauty products like soaps, perfumes/body spray, disinfectants and antiseptics. At the end of their training, the women were given starter kits and capital to enable them start their own businesses in their various localities. In 2018 the government procured thousands of units of sewing machines, grinding machines and additional 400 tricycles, known as KEKE NAPEP and distributed them across the state.Also in 2018, the government distributed 3,500 motorised pasta – making machines for the use of women across the state.

In 2018, the state government provided N500m as counterpart funding to UNICEF for the execution of its projects comprising the cash transfer scheme and other interventions. In January 2018, Mallam Musa Lumu, Chairman, Gwadabawa Micro Finance Bank, Sokoto disclosed that more than 10,120 families had received government’s N15,000 monthly stipend aimed at enhancing girls child education. The stipend supports the families’ economies so as to discourage parents from sending their children to hawk. It assists parents to provide kits and other minor demands that would enhance educational pursuit.

The state government collaborated with the Bank of Industry (BOI) to disburse the sum of N2 billion to support small scale businesses in the state. The government did not waste time in releasing its counterpart funding of N1 billion to BOI. In 2018, the state government introduced additional incentives to Sokoto State farmers in a bid to boost the cultivation of wheat, sesame, garlic and onion in the state. These additional supports are in the form of loans and grants, training of farmers and extension workers in modern farming techniques, provision of free and improved seedlings, provision of fertilizer and pesticides and lease of equipment to boost production.

The state government has spent billions of Naira to subsidize fertilizer for its farmers. This is been done to give agriculture a major lift. Agriculture is the largest employer of labour and holds the key to taking majority of the citizens out of poverty.

The state government has attracted many investors to Sokoto State. Some have invested in the agricultural sector. The Aliko Dangote conglomerate is in the process of completing a Dangote Rice Factory in Sokoto, a world class rice milling factory sited at Runji village of Kware LGA that will produce 250,000 metric tones of rice. The vast land where the project is sited was allocated by the government.

The state government established the Contributory Healthcare Scheme aimed at putting ownership of healthcare in the hands of the people, especially low income earners.

Since the inception of his administration in 2015, Governor Tambuwal has prioritized and fully funded the Ramadan Feeding Program. Under the program, the poor are guaranteed meals during the Holy Month of Ramadan. Different strategies are normally adopted to ensure the success of the program. The Ramadan Feeding was however taken a notch higher in the 2020 program. The Committee headed by the Secretary to the Sokoto State Government, Alhaji Saidu Umar (Mallam Ubandoma Sokoto) adopted a different strategy and implemented the program with uncommon zeal. The committee massively distributed raw foodstuff, including rice and millet, to needy people in 155 feeding centres. This was a departure from the past when cooked food was distributed to the needy in each of the centres. The needy have been effusive in their praise of the committee’s efforts. In recognition of the excellent work of the committee, Governor Tambuwal mandated it to handle the 2021 Ramadan Feeding Program.

In 2019, the state government, under its Zakkat and Waqf Scheme, spent N237.9 million to procure and distribute 9,100 bags of rice, bales of clothes and cash to 18,882 orphans and the needy. In 2020, the government has so far distributed items worth N258.8 million to orphans and the needy under the Zakkat and Waqf Scheme aimed at fulfilling the obligations of one of the key pillars of Islam. The state government allocated the funds to the Zakkat Comission in order to enable it discharge its statutory role of assisting orphans, the indigent and the elderly in all the 23 local governments of the state.

In 2020, the Tambuwal Administration commenced the distribution of N20,000 each to 1000 citizens (male and female) in every local government of the state. The government set aside the sum of N4 billion for the program. The program was initiated to assist needy people with capital to enhance their businesses and improve their living conditions.

The Sokoto State Government’s management of the palliatives program in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic remains a model in Nigeria. It was implemented with a high sense of responsibility, compassion and accountability. There was a design. People of integrity were identified and placed in committees. Sokoto State election polling units were made the distribution centres. Every polling unit had a minimum of 300 beneficiaries. The committees carried out the distribution of the palliatives in a fair, just and equitable manner. It is an ongoing process/exercise. The people are delighted and have been heaping praises on their people friendly Governor.

The Judiciary in Sokoto State has not had it this good. The sector is being revitalized and repositioned to effectively play its role of justice delivery. In 2021, the remodeled Sokoto High Court of Justice was commissioned. When Governor Aminu Tambuwal assumed office in 2015, he met the State High Court of Justice in a state of dilapidation. It was an eyesore, not worthy to be called a temple of justice. Instead of agonizing over the poor state of the Court, he moved into action. The eye catching edifice is a promise fulfilled. Sokoto judicial officers, workers and legal practitioners now have a conducive workplace to discharge their duties. Governor Tambuwal led his colleague Governors in resolving the controversies around the implementation of autonomy for state judiciaries. He has since commenced the implementation in Sokoto State.

The State Ministry of Justice is also been repositioned. The Attorney General and Commissioner of Justice, Sulaiman Usman (SAN), has come up with many innovations and reforms. The Ministry has reformed the methodology, character and characteristics of rendering legal advice. It has eliminated delay in prosecution of cases, reduced congestion of prisons occasioned by large proportion of awaiting trial prisoners through the use of the Governor’s power of prerogative of mercy and regular prison visits. The Ministry has enthroned cohesive action to improve cooperation and coordination for efficient delivery of justice. It has installed the Criminal Justice Information Management System (CRIMSYS). CRIMSYS is an electronic software that facilitates the capture and management of all information available within the criminal justice system in Nigeria on a state-by-state; locality-by-locality basis. It was first developed under the joint partnership of the project partners in the Pre-Trial Detention and Reform of Legal Aid Service Delivery Project.

Governor Aminu Tambuwal runs a people and development centered administration. His policies are geared towards easing the pains of the poor and vulnerable. He is determined to ensure access to justice for the indigent and vulnerable. It is for this reason that His Excellency Rt. Hon. Aminu Waziri Tambuwal created the Office of Public Defender to compliment the services of the Legal Aid Council of Nigeria whose free legal services are restricted to some criminal cases only and to act as an Ombudsman in defending the rights of our citizens. The Office has started enhancing greater access to justice for the poor and vulnerable by granting free legal aid services in both criminal and civil matters to the people of Sokoto State as a government funded legal defence, assistance and mediation systems (ADR). The Public Servants that have conflicts with the law in the course of the discharge of their official duties are also given legal representation provided that their offence is not the result of neglect and or deliberate failure to perform their official duties and responsibilities.

Sokoto State has been in the news lately due to the activities of bandits, kidnappers and other criminal elements. Before the 2019 elections, Sokoto State was an “oasis of peace and tranquility.” The peace in the state was first ruptured when criminal elements operating in Zamfara State entered Gandi, a community in Rabah Local Government of Sokoto State and massacred women, children and men. The merciless killings were repeated at intervals. The manner and illogical way in which the killings were carried out led to suspicions that it was Informal Repression; the use of non – state actors to carry out acts of destabilization, maiming and killing in furtherance of political or other interests. 2023 elections is approaching and Sokoto State is again a target of sustained attacks. Sabon Birni, Ilella, Isa and Goronyo local governments have had raw deals in the hands of the murderous elements.

But Governor Tambuwal has responded to the threats with all the power he can muster. Despite strong suspicion of the heavy involvement of political forces in the insecurity in parts of Sokoto State, he has refused to indulge in blame game. He has instead stepped up his support to security agencies and consultations with critical stakeholders.

The administration initiated many negotiations and reconciliations in an effort to see that the insecurity is contained without much bloodshed. In situations where negotiations and reconciliations failed to achieve the desired results, the Government sanctioned security operations to checkmate and flush out the bandits and other criminal elements. In 2017, the State Government achieved some success in its negotiation and reconciliation efforts. About 135 bandits surrendered and were given amnesty. About 185 weapons were recovered from them including 5 GPMGs (General Purpose Machine Guns) and 2237 rounds of ammunitions. This first reconciliation effort by the State Government was handled by the then Chairman of Isa Local, Col. Garba Moyi (Rtd.) (now Commissioner for Security). The exercise was concluded by the former Secretary to the Sokoto State Government, Prof. Bashir Garba. There were subsequent reconciliation efforts which led to the surrendering of weapons by bandits.

However, some of the bandits violated the terms of peace agreements and returned to their nefarious activities. The State Government had no option than to resort to the “stick” approach. Therefore the State Government, working with the Federal Security Agencies and local security outfits, carried out and continues out different operations, including Special Operations Against Banditry, Joint Operations Kidnapping, Air Operations Against Banditry And Cattle Rustling, Operation PUFF ADDER 2, Clearance Operations Against Bandits’ Camps, Metro Night Patrols, Operation Sweep All Bandits’ Routes, Operation Free Sokoto East From Senseless Killings, Joint Operations Gun Runners and Border Security, etc.

To enhance the operational efficiency of Federal Security Agencies in the fight against banditry, the State Government has provided the following: Over 500 vehicles of different brands, about 765 motorcycles, information gathering drones, 132 Housing Units to Security Forces, Fueling/Maintenance of all Security Forces Equipment on Operations, Operational Allowances to all Personnel Engaged in Operations, Welfare Packages to all Personnel who Lost their Lives in Active Service.

The State Government recently set up a Committee to tackle security challenges in Sokoto State. The Committee is headed by His Eminence, Sa’ad Abubakar, the Sultan of Sokoto. The Sultan is a retired Brigadier General.

Governor Tambuwal’s sustained support to security agencies and involvement of stakeholders in the search for solutions to the problem of insecurity are fast yielding dividends. The fresh onslaught against the criminal elements by the combined team of security forces has been hugely successful. The terrorists are now begging for ceasefire. They have even started releasing their captives without waiting for ransom to be paid. The Sokoto example is a model of Federal Government/State Government Cooperation in the Fight Against Terrorism. It is about de-politicization of the fight against insecurity. The National Interest must be paramount.

As the troubled parts of Sokoto State return to normalcy, the Government has stepped up its support and assistance to internally displaced persons. While working hard to lessen their pains, the government is also preparing them for eventual return to their original homes to resume their normal lives.

The State Government has mainstreamed transparency and accountability in the governance process. Sokoto State recently emerged the highest performing state in the World – Bank Assisted States Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Sustainability (SFTAS) Programme for Results. Effective management of donor funds is priorized by the state government.

Governor Aminu Tambuwal has shown political will and commitment in addressing developmental challenges. His doors are always open to development partners. He robustly engages development partners and addresses their concerns expeditiously. He is one of the state governors that promptly releases counterpart funds.

Governor Tambuwal is a man of destiny. His people friendly policies and programmes are daily touching the lives of the underprivileged, the vulnerable and the underserved. For him, the people are the centre of development. His efforts are bearing fruits. Smiles are returning to the faces of Sokoto citizens.

Governor Tambuwal’s deft handling of the affairs of the PDP Governors Forum, especially the way he led his colleagues to forge a rare consensus which made the PDP National Convention a huge success, is the stuff of legends. His bridge – building and networking skills, integrity, legislative and executive experiences, pan – Nigerian and cosmopolitan outlooks have thrown him up as one of the leading aspirants for the Nigerian Presidency in 2023. Nigeria needs a steady hand. Nigeria requires a unifier. The country has bled for too long. It is in dire need of a compassionate and development -minded person.

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