2Face Idibia’s Daughter Opens Up About Being Body Shamed by Friends and Family

Isabel, the daughter of veteran singer 2Face Idibia and actress Annie Idibia, has shared a personal and heartfelt revelation about her experiences with body shaming.

In a widely shared video, Isabel tearfully recounted instances of being body-shamed by friends and family. She expressed feelings of emotional turmoil when comparing herself to other girls, an uncontrollable urge to eat constantly, and frustration whenever she is told to go to the gym.

Isabel explained that her mind constantly tricks her into believing she is fat, and now that she is actually overweight, the feelings are even more intense and difficult to control.

Here are some reactions from netizens:

– Directtips360 wrote: “Hunger never touch this one before.”
– IamLizkid said: “So tell me what’s our own problem with that? Should we call her family members and friends not to body shame her again ni abi what?”
– Brizzo commented: “Na only Ajebutter pikin all this kind thing de affect, it can never be trenches kids.”
– CAPABLE remarked: “Stop it, body shaming can cause severe emotional and psychological distress.”
– Awesome wondered: “What do people gain when they body-shame? You’re ok, just the way you are.”
– Vicky Cruz wrote: “That’s really tough. Body shaming, especially from family and friends, can be super damaging.”