
3 Killed During Land Settlement Meeting in Taraba

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At least three people have been confirmed dead and several others are missing following an alleged attack by armed members of the African Nature Investors (ANI) on Fulani and Mambila people in the Gashaka Gumti National Park, Taraba State.

The incident occurred on Wednesday during a meeting aimed at resolving a land dispute. The Chairman of Gashaka Local Government Area, Hon. Umar Yusuf, confirmed the attack on Thursday. He led a team to evacuate the bodies of the deceased from the forest for burial.

The Fulani and Mambila people had gathered in the forest to seek a peaceful solution to their land conflict when armed men allegedly stormed the meeting, resulting in the deaths of three individuals and causing others to flee.

ANI, an African-led non-profit organization founded by conservationists and private sector members from Nigeria and Kenya, partners with communities and governments to protect large-scale wilderness landscapes.

While handing over the bodies of the deceased to their families, Hon. Yusuf vowed to investigate the cause of the killings and called for calm. He urged the community to allow his administration to uncover any accusations against park guards allegedly involved in the incident.

Community members have linked the killings to illegal mining activities by foreigners in Gashaka Gumti National Park. They claim that these illegal miners, armed to protect their operations, are driving people away from the forest.

Mallam Jude Abdul Abubakar, an elder from Baruwa in Serti town who lost a relative in the attack, alleged ongoing illegal mining activities in the forest. He stated that a helicopter frequently lands in the forest to transport mined mineral resources.

“They don’t want anyone near the forest because of their illegal mining activities,” Abubakar said. “Our hunters have informed us about these activities. The park is rich in mineral resources, and they have employed the services of ANI and other guards to protect their operations. We will not leave any stone unturned this time; they have been killing our people without reason to protect their mining activities. Let the government intervene and uncover the causes of these killings.”

Efforts to reach ANI at their Jalingo office were unsuccessful, as the building was locked during visits by our correspondent on Thursday and Friday morning.

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