3 Most common disease affecting men and how to treat them

There are diseases that men are more at risk for and it is very important to always have this in mind, especially when selecting a diet, exercising and even medication.
Modern medical technology has made it easier for us to stay healthy than before. Here are the three most common diseases affecting men, together with symptoms and possible process of prevention:

Prostrate cancer forms when the cells in the body begins to reproduce rapidly at an uncontrolled rate. The additional cells form a tumor and prostrate cancer occurs when a cancerous forms in the prostrate, a gland in the male reproductive system. This disease grows slowly, and infrequently affects men under the age of 40.
Therefore, it is important to make changes to diet and exercise plans early in life to prevent the onset of prostrate cancer later, since cancer can easily spread to other organs in the body.
Lack of exercise, smoking and excessive drinking are factors that could make a man more at risk.
The need to urinate regularly, especially at midnight could be a sign of prostrate cancer if it continues for a week. Pain in the lower back, upper thighs and hips are also symptoms.
Although, these symptoms could be a sound of warning. Treatments include hormonal therapy, radiation therapy or surgery. The best way to go about it is to inform your doctor who will then carry necessary and proper check up, as well as ongoing treatment options after surgery.

This is more likely to happen to men because men tend to drink and smoke more. The liver is the largest organ in the body that helps the body to fight off infections and process nutrients. The liver contains a number of cells because of it many functions,many cancers or two mores can contaminate it.some of these tumors are non-cancerous,but could still be a warning to take extra care of the liver in future. The most common form of liver cancer in adults is hepatocellular carcinoma.
One of the best way for men to reduce the risk of developing liver cancer is to be vaccinated for hepatitis B and C. Significantly reducing alcohol intake and eliminating smoking are also very effective ways to prevent liver cancer. There are also numbers of foods that can help reduce the risk of liver disease in mens such as ; fruits and vegetables,especially those high in vitamin C and E and a diet rich in fiber. They will help the body to effectively fight off infection and will keep bale secretion regular.

Due to factors like stress on the job or lack of sleep, excessive smoking and drinking and extremely high level of cholesterol, a significant amounted men each year get affected with hypertension. Diabetes is also another factor that can raise blood pressure, so men with diabetes are advised to pay attention to their diet and proper care of themselves.
High blood pressure occurs when an individual has grater than 140mmHG systolic pressure or 90mmHG diastolic pressure. This can increase the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease, so it is important to treat hypertension as early as possible.
To detect high blood pressure, one needs to constantly get blood pressures checked. In addition,reducing the intake of foods that are high in fat and cholesterol, foods high in salt, will help to reduce the risk of hypertension and low blood pressure.