5 Cool hairstyles to rock for the holidays

As the month progresses, people are slowly getting into the holiday mood. With chritsmas deals everywhere, it’s pretty hard to ignore that it’s just a few weeks to the Christmas holidays.

As you plan to travel or do other fun things during this season, what to do with your hair may be cause for worry. However, hair need not stress you this season as we share with you five perfect hairstyles for the holidays.

Box braids

They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend but so are braids. This is a favourite hairstyle among many women and can work for all seasons. However, for the holidays, there are a number of options such as the bohemians box braids or dreads which look absolutely amazing.

If you are still into the regular-type braids, knot-less braids are all the rage right now and especially if they are long enough to graze the butt. Knot-less braids are very trendy for their seamless appearance in that their is very little distinction about where the extension and the hair meet. They make for a very nice holiday hairstyle as they are neat and can be styled in different ways.


Cornrows will probably never go out of style because of the many variations that one could try. For instance, this up-do is great for the holiday as you literally don’t have to keep styling it. You could put it in a bun or tie a scarf around it and be good to go while still looking uber stylish for the holiday.

You could also opt for regular cornrows but it being the holidays, add some bohemian vibe to it with these wavy extensions at the bottom in whichever colour you please.

Boxer braids also deserve an honourable mention as they are an easy go-to style that you can even do yourself. You can also add a wavy extesion to jazz it up and is very low maintenance which is just what you need for a relaxed holiday.

Rock your fro in colour

This option is for people looking to jazz up their hair , whether a TWA or even a big afro and do not want the commitment of extensions. Look for a fun temporary colour which you can simply wash off when the holiday ends. It is also advisable to consult a hair technician before using hair dyes to avoid damage to your tresses.

Don’t be afraid to have a little fun with colours as well.

Spring or passion twists

Whether crocheted or individually braided, this hairstyle is a win during the holidays. Not only are they very light on the scalp but their springy nature just gives of festive vibes and are also very easy to style. Most people also admit that they tend to look even better as they age.

Bohemian faux locs

Step away from the faux locs that we’ve all come to know and love and try bohemian locs this holiday. Just like bohemian braids, they have a ‘busier’ appearance but they still look good.

You can also have them in a bob style to make it even more stylish.