5 Drinks That Can Damage Your Kidneys

The kidneys are vital organs responsible for filtering waste from the blood, producing urine, regulating various substances, and helping control blood pressure. When the kidneys fail to perform these functions properly, it can lead to serious health issues, including kidney disease or failure. One of the ways to maintain kidney health is by being mindful of what you drink. Here are five types of drinks that can potentially harm your kidneys:

1. **Sodas and Carbonated Drinks**
Reducing intake of sugar-sweetened sodas and carbonated beverages is crucial for kidney health. A 2016 study published in *Nephrology* found that people who consumed more than four sugar-sweetened soft drinks per week had double the risk of developing kidney disease compared to those who drank half a serving or less. Additionally, the American Kidney Fund notes that consuming two or more carbonated sodas daily can increase the risk of chronic kidney disease and contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

2. **Processed Fruit Juice**
Processed fruit juices often contain high amounts of sugar and calories, which are not beneficial for kidney health. Research from the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study indicated that individuals who consumed sugar-sweetened beverages, including processed fruit juices, had higher rates of chronic kidney disease compared to those who rarely drank sugary beverages. When it comes to fruit juice, moderation is key.

3. **Diet Soda**
Although diet sodas are often marketed as a healthier alternative to regular sodas, they are not without risks. A 2011 study in the *Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology* found that individuals who consumed two or more artificially-sweetened sodas daily were twice as likely to experience a decline in kidney function compared to those who avoided these drinks. While moderate consumption of diet soda may be less harmful than regular soda, it’s still important to limit intake.

4. **Alcohol**
Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages can adversely affect kidney health. A study published in *Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation* found that heavy drinkers had significantly higher rates of albuminuria, a marker of kidney disease. Limiting alcohol intake can help reduce the risk of kidney damage.

5. **Caffeine and Energy Drinks**
Caffeine, found in coffee, tea, and energy drinks, can increase blood flow, blood pressure, and stress on the kidneys, potentially leading to kidney strain. Some studies suggest a link between caffeine intake and kidney damage, while others find no such connection. A 2024 study in *JAMA Network* by researchers from the University of Toronto and the University of Padova suggests that the impact of caffeine on kidney health may depend on genetic factors, indicating that certain individuals with a specific gene mutation are more susceptible to kidney damage from caffeine.

In addition to avoiding harmful drinks, other lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise, smoking, high salt intake, and the use of certain drugs can also negatively impact kidney health. Therefore, it’s important to pay attention to both dietary habits and overall lifestyle to maintain healthy kidneys.