
5 Ways to get the most out of your smart tv

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Remember the first time you brought your Smart TV home, it must have been amazing. Streaming videos, connecting to Wi-Fi and sending emails, it must have felt like it had everything. Well, it does, but many people do not realize just how much a Smart TV can do, or maybe they have had their unit so long that they have forgotten all the great little features it offers.

Here are some nifty Smart TV capabilities. Try these out, and you will experience your TV in a different way.

Work While You Watch

Did you know that the Smart TV in your home features email, Twitter and even Skype; you no longer have to make a mad dash back to the office to answer that important Skype call. Your TV also allows you to work as you watch television. For example, if you run a fleet of vehicles, you can view your GPS vehicle tracking system right on your Smart TV from the comfort of your living room.

Stream Live Feeds

Some of the most captivating videos on the Internet are via live feeds. Do you know that you can get an actual peek into the mouth of an active volcano or even a feed from the middle of the ocean? While it may not sound exciting at first, live streaming videos can virtually take you anywhere.

Different Smart TV brands have different compatible live stream capable apps that you can use to see some of the most unknown corners of the world, including sporting events, aquariums and the deep wilderness. You can even take a trip into the outer space courtesy of astronauts at the International Space Station (ISS). So, sit back and enjoy these majestic views.

Playing Video Games without a Console

Most of the Smart TVs on the market feature casual and fun mine-games that can be downloaded from specific app stores. Your TV’s remote might not be the best choice for a controller, and it takes time to get used to it, but it will do fine for simpler games. The experience is like playing the games on an airplane using the tiny TV display at the back of the seats, without feeling claustrophobic.

Check Your Social Media Activities

Smart TV and Social Media

Many people cannot stand being away from Facebook for more than a few hours. If you are constantly obsessing about your social media feeds, most name-brand Smart TVs like Sharp, LG, Sony and Samsung have apps for Twitter and Facebook available on their platforms.

Creating a tweet or updating the status can be a bit difficult, but if you need to check your feeds quickly, you can on your Smart TV. You can also mirror your tablet or laptop, giving you access to everything you see on your computer.

Mirror Your Computer

No matter the size of the computer display, nothing comes close to having the screen up on a wide-screen Smart TV. Many people prefer hooking up their laptops to their TVs using HDMI cables. The cables give you the option of mirroring whatever you are doing on your computer directly to the TV screen, including web browsing, document creation and editing, and whatever else you want.

Owning a Smart TV is no longer new (there are virtually tens of smart televisions on the market already), but there are tons of hidden or forgotten features in there. Once in a while, it does pay to remind yourself just what that smart screen can do, especially so you can get the most out of it. How smart is your Smart TV?

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