
Qur’anic Reciters Excites Tambuwal,Urges Parents To Uphold Moral Discipline

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By Ibrahim Goronyo, Sokoto

Six Sokoto State indigenes who took first position in different categories of several Qur’anic competitions across the country have been urged to put more effort in order to ensure that they sustain the feat at the National Qur’anic recitation competition to be held at Kano.

Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal made the charge when he received the organisers and winners of the state Musabaqa (Qur’anic recitation competition) at Government House, Sokoto.

He said their victory at different levels of the Musabaqa is worth commending assuring that the state government will continue to give them support and cooperation.

The governor also stressed the need for leaders and parents to ensure moral upbringing of their children by giving them sound education.

He also congratulated the winners of the Musabaqa and commended the committee  for their untiring efforts towards  promoting Arabic and Islamic knowledge in the state.

The  governor also accepted the recommendation that there should be  community participation in the state Musabaqa committee in order to give opportunity for everybody to contribute their quota.

Earlier in his remark, the Commissioner for Basic and Secondary Education, Alhaji Bello Abubakar  Guiwa thanked the governor for his continued support and cooperation, stressing that the stakeholders envisaged to participate in the activities of the Musabaqa committee are traditional rulers, businessmen, Ulamas and other stakeholders.

Also speaking, the Chairman of Arabic and Islamic board, Dr Abubakar Altine Dandin Mahe, said the state government participants in the Musabaqa have won different positions in the Rabida (non Arabic female secondary schools category) National Qur’anic recitation competition and the 35th state Qur’anic recitation competition held at Kano and Bodinga local government areas respectively.

A list of the Sokoto State indigenes that clinched first places in different categories of the competitions are: Zainab Almustapha Tambari, Ruqayya Usman and Nura Abdullahi Bello. Others who won similar positions are: Hauwa’u Abubakar, Abdullahi Muhammad and Ummulkhairi Abubakar.

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