7 Habits that can make you lose respect

Respect is one of the things in life where it must be earned through our actions. We are also taught that in order to gain respect, we must first give respect. However, at times in our lives, we may find ourselves doing things that may affect the level of respect people have for us. In this article, I will be sharing with you some of the common habits of ours that could probably make people lose respect for you but fret not, for after reading this, you would know the things to avoid and how to handle certain situations.

1. Bragging Too Much
It is normal for people to take pride in their achievements and to share their joy with their friends and family. However, overdoing it can often lead to people to lose respect for an individual. Talking about your achievements at the very beginning when you are meeting someone for the first time can also make them lose respect for you, unless they have specifically asked. I mean nobody really likes a show-off right?

2. Allowing Others to Interrupt You Easily
In a conversation, it is a common thing where people interrupt each other. However, if you find yourself constantly being interrupted and you let them get away with it, people may lose their respect for you. This is because it can give off the impression that you are unable to stand up for yourself. Most people do this because they are trying to be considerate and inclusive which is perfectly fine. It is normal to be interrupted in a conversation but you should try not to flinch and carry on with your sentence, then get back to the interrupter.

3. Being Inconsiderate
Being inconsiderate can make people lose respect for you rather quickly. It can give off the impression that you are selfish and unthoughtful. Using the point above as an example, allowing others to interrupt you easily can make people lose respect for you. On the flipside, disregarding the interrupter in the conversation can also be bad as you may come off as being inconsiderate. Thus, you can include the interrupter by returning to what they were saying after you have finished your conversation.

4. Not Following Through
We often talk to family and friends about the plans we have for the different aspects of our lives. However, not following through with these plans can often affect the respect people have for you. Telling others your plans sort of holds yourself accountable for carrying out said plans. If you sleep on these plans for too long despite having mentioned it many times, people will start to think they you are all talk without actual action. As time passes, people may slowly disregard what you tell them as they feel there will be inaction. Thus, their respect for you will gradually be lost as well.

5. You Treat People Based on Personal Gain
If you do this, not only will you lose respect, but you will lose friends as well. It is understandable to behave differently depending on who we are with as we are closer and more distant in certain social circles. However, if your behaviour with people is based on what you can attain from them, you will probably not gain any respect from anyone. We are often taught to treat others the way we want to be treated, same goes for respect as well. Treating people based on personal gain will only make people lose respect for you.

6. Pushing Sales
No one likes to be pressured into buying anything. It is alright to just be introduced to a product. However, pushing sales to family or friends can often feel suffocating and people tend to do it because it is convenient. It can be suffocating because family and friends may tend to feel bad not supporting due to relations with the individual. Being pressured to buy something can make a person feel uncomfortable and unhappy. If people start feeling that way, they will probably start to lose respect for that person as well. As mentioned previously, introductions to products are fine but try not to push sales.

7. Being Dishonest and Lacking Integrity
A lack of integrity can make people lose respect for you. Most people value honesty and integrity in different aspects of life. Whether it is keeping a promise or telling the truth, people will tend to respect you more if you are honest and have integrity. This is because it gives people the impression that you are trustworthy, dependable and you have your principles in the right place. Being dishonest and displaying a lack of integrity will only make people lose respect for you.

Many relationships in life are built on mutual respect and trust. Respect must be earned through our actions. In order for others to respect us, we must first respect them and ourselves as well. Although respect can be important, it is good to note that we must not lose our self-respect because at different times in our lives, we may meet people who are not worthy of our respect as well.