Lifestyle choices can put one at the risk of getting breast cancer. Thus, here are things you should do to prevent breast cancer.
1. Have a Healthy Weight.
A person who is overweight will then be at risk for many types of cancers including breast cancer, I know you hear it all the time but I’m but simply having a healthy weight can prevent breast cancer it’s not specific but it does work.
2. Exercise Often
it is important for a person to be active for at least 30 minutes a day doing this can help you prevent breast cancer.
Exercise helps prevent a lot of things and also help you maintain a healthy weight.
3. Stop Smoking
Smoking tobacco including shisha can increase the risk of you having breast cancer I’m smoking generally would damage DNA, which in turn may make a person have breast cancer.
4. Reduce or Stop Alcohol
Recent research is showing that people will take alcohol including small quantities, are at risk of having breast cancer. If you do not drink I don’t think that’s a good time to start
5. Breastfeed
Women who breastfeed for least one year have been shown to have fewer chances of developing breast cancer.
6. See your Doctor about your Birth Control Pills
Women who take birth control pills have a slightly increased risk of getting breast cancer, however, there are some things to note, as age is a major factor here, the risk is smaller in younger women.
Before you start the pill, do well to talk to your doctor to understand your risks.
7. Don’t Forget Breast Examination
Well, some people do not agree about the benefits of breast examination but I don’t think it would hurt you to examine your breasts at least once a month.