Hon. Onyejeocha Is Focused, Won’t Join Issues With Traducers

…Attackers need medical examination – Says Media Office.

The Media and Publicity Office of the Deputy Chief Whip and member representing Isuikwuato -Umunneochi Federal Constituency, Hon. Nkeiruka Onyejeocha, has assured her supporters that she has developed thick skin to the antics of her traducers, rather, she is focused on achieving her plans for them in line with her campaign promises.

In a statement jointly signed by Eshioromeh E. S and Obika James Abuchi, her Media Office said rather than wasting energy on responding to fictions orchestrated by her attackers to distract her, the federal lawmaker is concerned with implementing plans to turn around the fortunes of the good people of Isiukwuato and Imunnouchi, adding that “those making such malicious allegations need medical examination

The statement came on the heels of two separate unfounded and malicious allegations planted on social media by desperate politicians in the state who are becoming uncomfortable with Hon. Onyejeocha’s rising profile both on national and international politics.

In the two sponsored statements, which our tracking team has traced to its source, these merchants of falsehood had alleged that the lawmaker who has been seen busy with her campaigns was not only plotting to assassinate a particular politician but was behind a recent attack on a chieftain of the opposition party.

“That the two allegations are coming in the same week and also, that they are coming when the elections are just around the corner, that in itself has exposed the antics of these dramatics persona bent on assassinating her character.

Let it be on record that we have evidence of all the plot lined up to weaken her base, and in due course we shall go to the public to unmask these evil merchants.

We understand their fear and frustration. She has continued to win more supporters due to her track records. Even at that, she continues to leave no stone unturned to reach out to more people. This is their nightmare.

Hon. Onyejeocha has been busy in the last few weeks canvassing for votes from all the four corners of Isuikwuato/Umunneochi, rather make the same move to present themselves to the people with their score cards, they have resorted to attacks that will not make any impact on their campaign.

Onyejeocha rise to prominence was not of man, but of God Almighty who she serves and who called her through the people to serve them. Whoever God has lifted, no man can bring down.

No matter how murky characters like those behind her attacks make politics look, Hon Onyejeocha represents a new breed public office holder with a reputation that politics can be as white as snow. She has maintained a clean sheet politically that even her opponents can attest to.

There are very few people like her who spent their whole life for the welfare of the country and Constituents. She is a true country devotee and an astute ‘Servant of the People’ with the resilience in sticking to what is right, irrespective of the bandwagon against the idea.

She’s a staunch believer of “what’s wrong is wrong and what’s right is right”. Her crime against her bandwagon enemies is her stubborn adherence to high moral principles which have brought her across tides many times. The difference between her and her opposers is that she always finds a way of defeating them without dishonouring them.

Our principal won’t join issues with anyone on the social media because those attacking her have no idea of the good they are doing to her.

Nobody throws stone on a tree without fruits, talk more of one with heathy and edible fruits. So, the attacks on her only justify the fact that she is not only important to her people but she has become a nightmare to evil in the land.

The elections are around the corner, the plot is to distract her with inanities and brake her confidence. Unfortunately Hon Onyejeocha cannot be intimidated by anyone.

We therefore call on our supporters to remain calmed and be law abiding to join us in the victory party come 25th February.

We charge them also to use their votes wisely for the betterment of their future and not be intimidated by anyone.