In a recent development, the Lagos State Police Command has officially declared Owodunni Ibrahim, known as Primeboy, as a wanted individual. This decision comes as a result of his failure to respond to police invitations, particularly in relation to the ongoing investigation surrounding the circumstances of singer Ilerioluwa Aloba, widely known as Mohbad, who tragically passed away.
The Commissioner of Police, Idowu Owohuwa, conveyed this declaration through a statement issued by the Police Public Relations Officer, Benjamin Hundeyin. Additionally, a reward of N1 million has been offered for information leading to Primeboy’s whereabouts.
Here are seven key facts to know about Primeboy:
1. **Childhood Friend of Mohbad:** Primeboy shared a close friendship with the late Mohbad, and both of them grew up in the Ikorodu area of Lagos State.
2. **Dreams Ng. Music Label Signee:** He was signed to the Dreams Ng. music label.
3. **Notable Songs:** Primeboy has recorded several songs, with standout tracks including “Balance,” “Omo Ologo,” and “Dey Play.”
4. **Connection to Zanku Record Label:** Before Mohbad’s untimely demise, Primeboy was reportedly planning to join Zlatan’s Zanku record label.
5. **Involvement in Viral Announcement:** Primeboy was one of the individuals featured in a viral video announcing Mohbad’s death.
6. **Social Media Protest:** Recently, Primeboy took to social media platforms to assert his innocence after being implicated in Mohbad’s death.
7. **Collaborations with Seyi Vibes:** He has collaborated on music projects with Seyi Vibes, and he often appeared in music videos alongside Mohbad.
The ongoing investigation into the tragic death of Mohbad continues, with Primeboy being a person of interest in the case.