In Lagos State, two friends, Noah Tovohome and Rajay Zannu, have been remanded in a correctional center by a Magistrate’s Court in Yaba, over allegations of plotting and killing their friend, Segun Zusu, in connection with 36 bags of rice. The defendants appeared before Magistrate Linda Balogun, facing two counts of murder.
The court heard that Tovohome and Zannu collaborated with a boat driver transporting Zusu’s goods from Seme, planning to kill him and steal the bags of rice. On the fateful day, around 2 am at Novo River in Seme, they intercepted the boat, assaulted Zusu with a plank, threw him into the river, and proceeded to Badagry with the rice. The bags were sold for approximately N1.4 million to a businesswoman, and the proceeds were shared among the perpetrators.
The alleged offense occurred on November 12, 2023, contravening Section 222 and punishable under Section 223 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State 2015.
The defendants did not enter pleas during the hearing. The police prosecutor, Chekwube Okeh, requested the court to remand them in a correctional center pending legal advice from the Directorate of Public Prosecutions (DPP).
Magistrate Balogun granted the request, ordering the defendants’ remand at the Kirikiri Correctional Centre until the DPP provides legal advice. The case is adjourned until January 22, 2024, awaiting the DPP’s guidance.