A newly released 2018 global family planning report which was unveiled at the International Conference on Family Planning, ICFP, in Kigali, Rwanda, has shown that Nigeria tops countries with a record of 1,371,000 unwanted pregnancies and 735,000 unsafe abortions in 2018.
The Report shows that only 13.8 per cent of Nigerian women use contraceptives in 2018.
According to the report explained unintended pregnancies as “the number of pregnancies that occurred at a time when women (and their partners) either did not want additional children or wanted to delay the next birth”.
This is “usually measured with regard to last or recent pregnancies, including current pregnancies”.
The ICFP serves as a strategic inflection point for the family planning and reproductive health community worldwide. It provides an opportunity for political leaders, scientists, researchers, policymakers, advocates, and youth to disseminate knowledge, celebrate successes, and identify next steps toward reaching the goal of enabling an additional 120 million women to access voluntary, quality contraception by 2020.
The ICFP also serves as an international platform from which countries, organizations and individuals can make public commitments to family planning, and can be recognized for their achievements. Dozens of side events are organized around the conference by man y institutions and groups from around the world.
The fifth International Conference on Family Planning ,ICFP, is held Kigali, Rwanda, from November 12 to 15, 2018.
The 2018 ICFP is co-hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Rwanda.
The theme of the conference is “Investing for a Lifetime of Returns.”