As the popular saying goes, you either stand for something or you fall for anything. We live in a generation of millennia’s and gen-z’s with myriads of opinions but little or no convictions. So the importance of good parenting can’t be over emphasized nowadays. And as a parent who desires the very best for his or her wards, below are some lessons to be taught to them in order to have a structural and principled life.
1. How to be humanly responsible: Individuals who are responsible are reliable in every aspect of their lives. They follow through on assignments or goals and always make sure to complete them according to the scheduled time. Even with limited capabilities, very young kids can start learning how to be responsible. You don’t want to keep them dependent on you as a parent until they turn eighteen and then dump them into the real world says in the book “How to raise an adult.”
How to teach being responsible to kids : Help them take responsibilities for their misdeeds and assign to them chores to keep them from being idle.
2. The importance of having a moral values: Individuals with convicted moral values have a clear sense of what’s right from wrong. So they need to learn how to make decisions that is consistent with their own values, choices and convictions, even if it means going against general beliefs among friends or association.
How to teach good moral values to kids? Establish a firm moral code ethics, make the moral code part of your identity as a parent and be sure to reinforce those codes into your daily activities.
3. The advantages of self control: Children with self control can resist all sort of temptation, even when the temptation promises short term gains. A study discovered that kids with great self control were less likely to have health issues and financial stress as an adult.
How to teach self control to kids? Learn to say NO and mean it, teach your kid to prioritize and be sure to be a good role model.
4. The value of adult guidance: Parents remain the major influence on their kids attitudes and behavior through the adolescence years into young adult says Dr. Laurence. So children need adults in their life who can dish out proper advice and leadership to help them become the better version of themselves. But as a parent, you are the best fit for the role as children naturally look to their parents for guidance.
How to proffer proper guidance to kids? Spend quality time with them and provide a trusted mentor shares your belief system.
5. How to be a humble personality: Individuals who are humble are generally respectful people. They seize to behave disrespectfully, nor do they expect others to treat them as superior. Humility is sometimes seen as a weakness but individuals who lack understanding but in the true sense of things, it is a strength that helps people to recognize their limitations and flaws.
How to teach humility to kids? Teach them there is great value in service to others and learn how to be grateful.