
A Peace advocate in Taraba, Chief Victor Bala Kona Sympathized with Taraba Former SSG

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An elder stateman in Tarabans state, Chief Victor Bala Kona, mnim ( Garkuwa Bakundi) has expressed sympathy with the Taraba state Former SSG, Chief Gibon Timothy Kataps over the attack and kidnapping of his family members who are on there way back to Jalingo from Gumbo on Wednesday.

The patriotic leader, lamented the horrific nature of the bloodletting, which he said indicates that some minds are completely overtaken by hatred and reduced to the basest level imaginable.

He condol with the affected families and the good people of Sardauna LGA, over the incident and pray for God’s comfort and save return.

The elder stateman’s message was contained in a statement issue by his special adviser on News Media Mr. Peter Geoge.

The Victorious Victor further sympathized with all those who lost loved ones in the different theatres of insecurity that had rocked the state and the country, charging them to take solace in the inevitable victory of good over evil.

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