In a deeply disturbing incident, the Adamawa State Police Command has taken several individuals into custody in connection with the gruesome beheading of a young woman within the premises of a hotel in Yola, the state’s capital. Among the arrested suspects are three hotel employees – Jacob, Yifarta (both receptionists), and Isah (a security guard) – who were reportedly on duty when the harrowing event unfolded.
The crime scene yielded crucial evidence, including the victim’s handset and the drug employed to sedate her. The primary suspect, who had checked into the hotel as a guest, allegedly perpetrated the heinous act on the night of January 18, 2024, around 9:30 pm, beheading the young lady before fleeing with her decapitated head.
Addressing reporters, the police command’s spokesperson, Suleiman Nguroje, confirmed the arrests and highlighted the recovery of the drug and handset at the scene. Nguroje emphasized the commitment of Commissioner of Police Afolabi Babatola to bring the perpetrator of this shocking crime to justice.
In a developing aspect of the investigation, two individuals thought to be connected to the brutal murder have been apprehended. However, the police have yet to disclose their identities. The chilling nature of this incident has sent shockwaves through the community, raising concerns about safety and security within the region. Authorities are working diligently to piece together the details of this horrifying event and ensure that justice prevails.