
AfDB: Adesina Will Not Disappoint Africa, Says Jonathan

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Former President Goodluck Jonathan has joined other African leaders and financial experts to congratulate the President of the African Development Bank (AfDB), Akinwumi Adesina on his re-election.

The ex-President, who joined virtually, during Adesina’s swearing-in ceremony on Tuesday, said he is confident the AfDB President will not disappoint Africa and the shareholders in the bank.

To Jonathan, Adesina made a lot of achievements within the first five years of his first tenure as the AfDB boss.

While thanking members of the board and shareholders for re-electing him for another five-year tenure, the ex-President recalled that when Adesina served as Minister of Agriculture during his administration, he (Jonathan) knew what he (Adesina) is made of.

He also expressed the confidence that Adesina will perform better when given the mandate to serve for another term in office.

“Let me first congratulate Adesina for making history, for the number of achievements he made within the first five years.

“Let me also thank all the shareholders for supporting him. I believe that in his second tenure, he will even do better.

“Dr Adesina worked with me as my Minister for Agriculture and I know what he is made up of. I believe he will not disappoint the shareholders,” he said.

Jonathan’s remarks come after Adesina was sworn-in as the newly re-elected eighth AfDB President for a second term.

The event was attended by Heads of States, Governors, Nigeria’s former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar, and over 200 external stakeholders who joined physically and virtually.

The Chairperson of the AfDB board of Governors and Ghana’s Finance Minister, Kenneth Ofori-Attah, administered the oath of office.

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