
A’ibom Assures Workers of Committment to Improved Welfare

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By ogenyi ogenyi,uyo.

Akwa ibom state government has assured workers in the state of it’s willingness to improve upon thekr welfare in line with the arise agenda of governor umo eno.

Commissioner of labour and manpower planning, mr aniefiok nkom who gave the assurance during an interface with the joint public service negotiating council paid him a courtesy call in uyo yesterday also assured them that gov. Umo eno was aware of the current economic situation in the country.

“The governor is a father who has the interest of his people at heart, he knows the situation at hand and will take the right steps.” nkom said.

He further disclosed that eno remained aware of the discussion of minimum wage at the federal level and would make his position known when it is concluded.

The labour boss charged them to intimate other union leaders of the governor’s position

The chairman of jpsnc comrade etido udo in response, thanked the commissioner for being proactive as dialogue is a major tool of good governance and promised to disseminate the information accordingly.

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