
A’Ibom Police refutes resignation of officer who rejected N864M bribe

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The Police in Akwa Ibom has refuted news in the media that one of it’s most trusted officers, CSP Francis Erhabor has resigned from the Force.

Erhabor, who is also the Divisional Police Officer in charge of ‘D’ Division, Itam in Akwa Ibom claimed to have rejected more than N800 million bribe over three years while serving as a pipeline protection Commander in Edo State and have won many international and national awards for his exemplary conduct in his duties is quoted to have resigned due to lack of promotion.

A statement endorsed by the state Police Public Relations Officer, Odiko Macdon in Uyo on Saturday said appointments and promotions in the Force is not done on social media.

“The attention of the Akwa Ibom State Police Command has been drawn to a write up making the rounds, that the Divisional Police Officer ( DPO ), of ‘D’ Division, Itam, CSP Francis Osage Erhabor has resigned from the Nigeria Police Force on the grounds of lack of promotion. 

“For the avoidance of doubt, appointments and resignations of the NPF are not done on social media.

“The Commissioner of Police, CP Amienghene Andrew, fdc, is not in receipt of any letter of resignation from the Senior Officer and has not in anyway communicated same to the Force Headquarters. 

“Let it be known, that the publication making the rounds is a figment of the imagination of the writer.” It said.

The release advised members of the public to disregard the said publication as Erhabor remained a bonafide member of the NPF and still the DPO of Itam Divisional Headquarters. 

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