
Anambra gov has no candidate for FA election, says Ileonyesi

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By Mike Oboh

As elections into the football Association in Anambra state hots up, a leading contender to the position of the chairmanship of the Association has declared that the state governor, Willie Obiano does not have any candidate for the elections.

Mr Iloenyisi Chikelue said on Monday while declaring his interest to contest for the top post in the state association said what the state needed was  a vibrant association that can project the state football development.

Chikelue who spoke on his desire to unite the football family in the state to get the desired results, said he is in t for the top job to restore the state lost glory in the game.The former ex international who is presently the special adviser to the president of the Nigeria Football Federation President on Security matter, said his dream is to unite the stakeholders in the state to progress to the next level in football development in the country.

The candidate said he is not contesting for the position to unseat his ally, Senator Ifeanyi Uba but to create an enabling environment for the game to prosper in the state.The election billed to hold on October 30, according to him, is left for all stakeholders in the state to work in line with the decision of the government of the state to improve the development of spots in the state.He said top on the list of his 14poits agenda, is the restoration of good sponsorship of the state programme as well as a solid development of grassroot  development of the game in the state.

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