
ASUU Strike: Taraba university organizes prayer sessions

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The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) Taraba State University Chapter on Tuesday organised prayer sessions for God’s intervention over the prolonged nation-wide strike and other internal issues peculiar to the institution.

Christian and Muslim members of the union held separate prayer sessions at different venues to solicit for God’s intervention.

Mbave Garba, the former Vice Chairman of the union, told Journalists at the end of the prayer sessions that what was happening to public universities in the country was not ordinary, hence the need to turn to God.

“We have no other choice at this point than to turn to God for intervention because we have exhausted all other means to resolve the issues.

“Apart from the nation-wide strike action over IPPIS and other issues, we have serious internal matters with the management and with funding of the university.

“Our members have gone for two months without salary and without any explanation for such action from the Taraba government and university management,” he said.

Garba prayed God to touch the hearts of all the individuals and groups that are responsible for the non-resolution of these issues, so as to bring sanity into the system.

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