Bbnaija: SAGA’S First Diary Session

Biggie: Tell me about your experience in the bbnaija house?

Saga: my experience here have been great, so grateful especially with the boys, sharing jokes and the prank we planned, I’m so happy you like the prank. I was confuse to see all those fine girls, i think i lost focus for 2hours, talking here and there. I’m having fun

Biggie: Why do you think i was happy about your prank?

Saga: well Ebuka was smiling when he talked about it

Biggie: Who are you bonding well with??

Saga: Well i see myself bonding with Pere for now, he’s so weird he kept saying you sent in 10 wild cards. I like Arin, she is smart and amazing

Biggie: Whose energy did you not like??

Saga: WhiteMoney and Sammie though they’ve not done anything bad to me. With the girls, Nini bcos she didnt give me the energy back and when she told me she has a boyfriend personal heartheart

Biggie: Who do you see as a potential partner??

Saga: Nini if she didn’t has a boyfriend

Biggie: What did you learn during your isolation? Tell Biggie about the experience

Saga: I have experience working off shore but not in isolation. Everyday was the same for me, working out alone throughout
My biggest lesson was realising how my friends were the biggest asset to me bcos i thought i can do it all alone. Learning to be happy on my own and having personal relationship with myself.

Biggie: Would you like to discuss anything with Biggie?

Saga: Just one of the showers is working and thank you so much. Pls give me clue about the wild card, i’m your younger brother and if i’m allowed to talk unlimited