
Bindow Signs Peace Accord, Tells Politicians to Play by the Rules.

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By Phineas Padio

Governor Jibirlla Bindow of Adamawa state has signed the 2019 Election peace accord and urged politicians to play by the rules.

The ceremony took place at the Independent National Election Commission (INEC) office and was supervised by Kashim Gaidam, the state Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC).

Speaking after signing the accord, the governor called on other politicians to educate their followers on the need for a violent free 2019 general elections.

He assured the people of the state that there will be elections in the boko haram former occupied territory of Madagali local government area.

“I’m very positive that elections will take place in Madagali and other security challenged areas in Adamawa”.

The governor also stressed the need for the electorates to collect their PVCs, so as to enable them vote in the upcoming general election.

The REC, Barr. Kassaim Giadan who received the governor along side the commissioner of Police, CP Sabo Ibrahim Umar, commended Gov. Bindow for finding time to come and sign the accord.

“About 20 political parties and their governorship candidates have signed the peace accord and what you’re doing now, your presidential candidate and that of other parties have signed the peace accord at the national level”

It could be recalled that when the peace accord was signed in the state, Governor Bindow was absent.

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