
Blessing Okoro Engages in Verbal Clash with Phyna Following Breakup

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The ongoing online feud between Big Brother Naija’s Phyna and Relationship Therapist Blessing Okoro has escalated further, with Blessing addressing the conflict in a recent Instagram live video.

Expressing her dismay at Phyna involving family members in their dispute, Blessing revealed that Phyna crossed a line by bringing her mother, father, and innocent children into the feud. She accused Phyna of misery since her breakup with fellow BBN star, Groovy, stating, “Ever since Groovy broke up with you, you’ve been miserable.”

Blessing compared their family situations, alleging that Phyna’s father lacks substantial work and is involved in carrying deceased individuals. She warned Phyna not to be deceived by her fans, branding her as poor and recounting details from Phyna’s pre-Big Brother days.

The verbal exchange intensified with Blessing cursing Phyna and vowing to continue the feud into the next year, specifically 2024. Phyna, who had previously labeled Blessing a failed mother and generational embarrassment, now faces heightened retaliation.

In a previous exchange, Blessing had accused Phyna of being a product of rape, adding fuel to their already heated conflict. Phyna had also criticized her for being a failed mother and a generational embarrassment.

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